Fool Me Once

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Book: Fool Me Once by Sandra Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Lee
coffee somewhere quieter.”
    His eyes jokingly seductive, he winked at her.
    “Let’s go somewhere more private. Shall we make it your place or mine?”
    With fake cheerfulness, she took his hands and played along.
    “Let’s make it mine, I got a nice view and I got no nosy neighbor.”
    Behind them, the door opened.
    “Listen Eva, I’m…”
    He stopped mid-sentence when he saw James holding Eva’s hand, when he saw her laughing with him. His lips tightened and the soft look he had in his eyes hardened.
    “Ah, I almost fell for your little speech, once again. I knew I shouldn’t have let my guard down.” Looking straight into Eva’s eyes he addressed James.
    “Eh man, sorry for kissing her, but I want you to know, I took nothing that wasn’t offered to me. I see you forgave her fast. She’s got a sexy body, I’ll give that to you, but she the most deceitful creature I have ever met. Don’t let yourself be fooled by those innocent eyes. My advice to you is take as much as you can from her, and then run away. As far and as fast as you can.
    His gaze never wavered from Eva’s during his little speech. He saw her face drain of all color, her large cerulean eyes brighten with more tears, one threatening to fall unto her cheek, her rounded chin held up and high. He saw it all, and what he saw was like a blow to his mid-section. He couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe once again he was wrong. That maybe appearances were not always what they seemed. Then he saw…stars? He heard muffled voices above as he hit the hard floor.
    “I’m sorry Eva, but he had no right saying things like that to you. I couldn’t just stand there like an idiot while that jerk insulted you. He asked for it.” Then he grinned.” And since I am a very obliging fellow, I obliged. Don’t worry, he’ll live.”
    “Oh James, you’re the best friend a woman could ever ask for.” She impulsively hugged him tight.” I would love to see the shiner he will have in the morning.” She laughed.
    Groaning, Jake opened his one good eye, and squinted through the already swelling one. He stood up and glared as best he could at James.
    “What the hell?”
    “You shut up and leave, unless you’d like me to even things out?”
    Trying to clear his thoughts, Jake shook his head. What the hell was this guy’s problem. He had only been trying to warn him off the witch, pretty witch maybe, but witch nonetheless. Fine he was welcome to her, and he hoped Eva would use him and discard him just like he deserved. Idiot didn’t even know to take good advice. Slamming the door behind him, he went. He was going home, away from all this craziness and the stupid impression he was missing the point. He shook his head in a vain attempt to shake that feeling off. He couldn’t wait to be home. He had a nice bottle of scotch waiting for him there. He thought that tonight was a great occasion to open and drain it all. How did he come out as the bad guy again, when all he had wanted to do was warn the poor fellow off her? HAH! Still there was this nagging feeling at the back of his mind that maybe his words had not been for the other man, but for himself. That the words were said because of the unfathomable reason he could not bear to see her with another man. That he knew somehow that what she told him was true, had known it all along, but was hiding behind his truth. Nah! That was crazy, he was just tired. He didn’t care how many men she had, didn’t give a damn, not one iota of it. She proved him right again tonight, as cunning as ever it seemed. Kissing him one minute and making plans to go to her apartment with another man the next. He was glad it happened in a way; it would help him greatly in his endeavor not to care for her.

She tightened her arms around her middle, the night air was cooler then she had expected. And stupid as she was, she had not brought her coat with her, not that that was the stupidest thing she had done that

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