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Book: Flyers by Scott Ciencin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scott Ciencin
Tags: Fiction
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Amanda locked it up tight.
    They were gone—and the power of that thought made Eric feel as if the breath had been taken from him.
    “That’s funny,” Amanda said.
    “What?” Eric asked.
    “The medical supplies. I could have sworn there were more here.” She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, I guess.”
    Eric thought about Manly and the way he left. Something didn’t feel right. Something just didn’t add up.
    If only he could figure out what it was . . .
    Alan and Manly found spray paint canisters in a storage closet. Before heading out, they sprayed their clothing and as much of their exposed flesh as they could a very dark green. The flyers’ sight appeared to be highly advanced, and they needed to blend with the shadows as best they could.
    They took a side door that put them close to the building housing the Earthquake attraction and clung to the shadows as they silently made their way down the boardwalk to a shack overhanging the lagoon. The flyers were cawing louder than ever as stars appeared high above and a chill wind stirred the water of the lagoon. People wept and shouted. The boats rocked as the flyers leaped from one to another.
    “I still can’t figure out your angle,” Alan whispered. “Why stick your neck out?”
    “You know what your problem is, Grant? You need to learn how to use the media, not let it use you.”
    “Oh? Did Bigfoot supply that bit of advice?”
    They reached the shack but the door was locked.
    “Not a problem,” Manly said, fishing something out of his pocket. “I did a piece for the
Evening Star
when I was still local, up in Toronto. Housebreakers, the tricks of the trade, how to guard against them.”
    The reporter picked the lock with a thin, sharp tool. Alan looked around nervously. It was a miracle they hadn’t been spotted. The flyers were agitated about something. Alan could feel their tension.
Good. Maybe the plan will work after all.
    Manly continued picking the lock. “My father once told me, ‘Expect the worst from everyone and you won’t be disappointed.’ Well, that’s no way to live your life.”
    “I dunno,” Alan said. “Sounds reasonable to me.”
    “Exactly my point.”
    The lock sprang open and they darted inside.
    Flapping his wings, the adult male Pteranodon with the fiery markings landed on the largest of the boats in the lagoon. The time had come and they were starved. His mate, Flood; her father, the Elder; and their children Spike and Trip called to him. Their need to feed was strong.
    But where was his son Lightning? Fire had circled this place of the Keepers several times and urgently called his son, but the young Pteranodon had not appeared. Where was he? Lightning had never before ignored his father’s urgent summons.
    Had he been hurt? Had the Keepers harmed another of his children? Or was it something worse?
    The waiting had been unbearable. Slowly, Fire watched the sky darken and the bright stars appear. Then came the low golden glow from the constructs of the Keepers, which lit their feasting ground.
    A few more moments. No longer. Then—
    The sound made Fire’s heart leap. He looked up and saw Lightning flying toward him. There was such relief and frustration in his son’s tone that Fire was altogether convinced his son had been trapped somewhere, either by accident or design, and he had used his clever nature to claw his way to freedom.
    Fire then screeched louder than ever before, signaling his family that the feast could finally begin.


    The waiting was the hardest. Eric and his mom stood behind Josh, who had used the computer in the corner of the communications room to call up a live news feed. Satellite cameras were being used to relay the crisis at the lagoon. The flyers were riled up and it was almost full dark. The park’s lights illuminated the scene.
    The Pteranodons were going crazy, cawing wildly and circling the humans in the lagoon! Suddenly, they began to swoop in. One of

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