Flight to Freedom (Flight Trilogy, Book 3)

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Book: Flight to Freedom (Flight Trilogy, Book 3) by Mike Coe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Coe
Tags: Fiction
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a significant effect on his future life. Suddenly, like a treasure hunter stumbling upon the “mother-load”…
    That’s it ! June 23 , 1974 … it was a Saturday night . It was the night Keri broke up with me . We were sitting in my ’65 Impala in her driveway . I left for the Academy the next day .
    Numbers spun in his mind like ping-pong balls in a lottery basket. He subtracted 1974 from the date of his first dream, 1986, which equaled 12.
    He could think of nothing special about the number twelve—alone, or when combined with the number three…except: 1 + 2 = 3.
    Although 1974 was twelve years earlier than his first dream, it also equaled three—the same as the number of years between the first and second dream. Then he subtracted 1974 from the date of his second dream, 1983. It produced the number 9.
    The number nine is known to represent attainment or satisfaction . It is a number of finality or judgment … a number that represents the sum of all man’s work .
    The idea of a third dream being the final dream made the number nine even more perfect. Three multiplied by three equaled nine. His number theory would certainly appear ridiculous to most people, but to him it was clearly a sign, a code, a matrix—a confirmation—of what was to come.
    He reviewed the numbers, so far. There had been three years between the two dreams. There were twelve years between the first dream in 1986 and 1974—the year Keri broke up with him in her driveway. Interestingly, the sum of the two digits, one and two, was also three. He played around with the numbers twelve and three. When he subtracted them: 12 – 3 = 9.
    Again, it was the number nine. He multiplied three and nine, thinking he would uncover a relationship between separation—three—and satisfaction—nine. The result was 27.
    As he studied the relationship between three, nine, and twenty-seven, there it was again—the number nine: 2 + 7 = 9.
    Each time he spun the numbers, he saw new confirmations. Then something else popped out like a neon sign. Assuming the number two represented him and Keri, when it is joined with the number seven—the number representing spiritual perfection, fullness, or completion—the result is the number nine representing attainment, satisfaction, and finality.
    He suddenly realized where he had heard the number 39; during a church service his pastor was teaching on the crucifixion of Jesus. According to the Old Testament, 40 lashes was determined enough to kill a man. Therefore, unless a man had been sentenced to death by flogging, the maximum number of lashes a flogger could administer was 39—the number of mercy according to Jewish law.
    Mercy! A second chance! It’s perfect!
    Everything pointed him to the conclusion that an extremely high probability existed that his next dream regression, if it happened, would take him to the year 1974.
    As his mind relentlessly continued to spin the numbers, searching for more possible confirmations, he made an unsettling connection with the number three.
    The year of his second dream regression, the time when he was with Rex Dean in Del Mar was 1983. Not only did 1983 end with a three, when he added the numbers: 1 + 9 + 8 + 3, the resulting number was 21. When he added the two numbers: 2 + 1, it produced the number three. The number three represents separation. Rex had been the divider. Again, this made perfect sense.
    He and Keri had always been meant for each other, but the divider—Rex Dean—had blindsided them with his deviously concocted plan and altered their destiny. Rex Dean had been the cause of his and Keri’s separation. Everything associated with the events surrounding the second dream pointed to the number three—the divider.
    Ryan and Keri—2—had always been destined to be together—7—and even though Rex Dean—3—came along and tried to separate them, in the end, attainment and satisfaction—9—was still realized: 27 ÷ 3 = 9.
    There was no doubt that he and Keri were

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