Flail of the Pharoah
concubines and on a level with Charmian.
    Remembering how he had struck out at Kiya in such a masterly fashion, his presence now seemed all the more incongruous. She thought if the other women had seen what she had witnessed that morning, they would never treat him like a boy-child again but would cower and shake in his presence. She could feel her bowels curdle at the sight of him, and that strange mixture of attraction and repulsion returned to dominate her soul.
    To her surprise, and a faint sense of horror, his hawk-like eyes sought her out and then he came striding over to her side.
    ‘Ah, Charmian,’ he began, pleasantly enough. ‘My mother wishes you to accompany me to her room.’
    There was no hint of what had passed before. When her blue eyes met his brown eyes she searched their unfathomable depths for some sign of recognition, some evidence of a secret bond between them, but his expression was enigmatic. Charmian felt oddly cheated. ‘I shall come at once.’
    She followed him out of the room, noticing with satisfaction that a few of the women threw questioning glances in their direction, which she haughtily ignored, then out into the corridor. It was only a short walk to the queen’s apartments, but suddenly Neshi seized her arm and pushed her into a small antechamber out of the way. He closed the door behind them and she faced him, trembling.
    ‘W-what do you want?’
    There was a hint of that earlier savagery in his eyes that made her quail. He pushed her against the sandstone wall and placed his hand over her mouth.
    ‘I promise you shall come to no harm,’ he said in a harsh whisper. ‘In return, do you promise not to cry out?’
    She nodded vehemently, and he released her mouth. His expression turned soft as he gently caressed her cheek. ‘I am sorry, Charmian, I didn’t mean to startle you. But I need to talk to you about what you witnessed earlier today. You have not told anyone about it, have you?’
    ‘Oh no!’ The words came out swiftly, in a shocked tone. Charmian would never have thought to discuss such a terrible event with anyone in the harem, since she did not feel that close to any of the other women. Her sincerity seemed to convince the prince, because he smiled kindly.
    ‘Good girl, I know I can trust you never to speak of it to anyone. You see, the Pharaoh and his queen must be above reproach. You saw how Kiya was punished for her disrespect. My father pretended to disapprove of the way the punishment was carried out but, believe me, if he had been sitting in judgement over her she would have had paid even harsher penalty – probably banishment, or even death. All things considered, she got off lightly.’
    ‘Why are you telling me all this?’
    ‘Because you are new to our country, and our ways are strange to you. I understand how bewildering it must be for you…’ He broke off, a dreamy look entering his dark eyes as he gazed at her. ‘You are so beautiful, Charmian. I can understand why the Pharaoh has summoned you to his bedchamber tonight.’
    ‘Tonight?’ Charmian repeated, in fright.
    The prince laughed, showing his white teeth. His scent was musk-laden and exotic, making Charmian feel faint. Desire was welling up in her unbidden, and her knees felt weak. She pressed her body against the wall, to steady herself, but then Neshi took her hand and tingles of electricity shot up her arm. She wanted to weep or faint, but she did neither, only stared at his brown, burnished face as if he were some god on earth.
    ‘Don’t you remember?’ He drew her fingers up to his lips and bestowed a soft kiss on them. ‘You shall have the honour of witnessing the royal coupling tonight. Not many women have ever beheld such an intimate display. You are honoured indeed.’
    His tone was ironic yet he still regarded her with that warm, seductive look that turned her insides to curds and whey. For an instant Charmian pictured him wielding the flail, every sinew in his body straining to

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