Five Moons of Pluto

Read Online Five Moons of Pluto by Andre Jeter - Free Book Online

Book: Five Moons of Pluto by Andre Jeter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andre Jeter
Joseph, hitting him in the chest. He falls over the railing and onto the ground. Sonya looks at Isaac as he walks towards her with the arrow in his hand. He drops it and hugs her tightly. She hesitates a moment then hugs him back.
    Sonya rides the elevator up, wishing she would have eaten more at dinner. But who could eat knowing that thousands of people are going to die? The elevator stops at the twentieth floor. She steps out and into a new world created by Isaac.
    The lab is full of mystic writings on the walls, ceilings, and floors. Candles and incense burn around the room. And in the middle of the room is the woman from the photo. Rahna. Her body shows no trace of decay or rot. Mystic writings cover her body as well. She’s beautiful, surrounded by various plants that Sonya has never seen before.
    “How was dinner?” Isaac asks.
    The words startle Sonya. She looks up at the voice and sees that Isaac is standing on a platform of a lift. His hands are covered in what appears to be blood. He’s shirtless with writings on his chest and arms.
    “It was okay,” Sonya says looking around the room at the writings.
    “Sorry I couldn’t join you. I had to finish the incantation.” He pushes a button which lowers the lift and grabs a long sleeve shirt. She watches as he walks a few feet in the air above the writings, then towards her.
    “Come. I want to show you something.” He puts on the shirt.
    Sonya takes a step and feels the solid ground underneath her foot and discovers that it’s glass, not magic.
    “I know you may have doubts about whether this will work or not.” Isaac turns back and studies her expression. “Let me lay to rest your doubts.”
    They stop at a door. He pushes a button and it slides open. They enter a room with toys lying all around the room. Isaac picks up an action figure so he doesn’t step on it.
    “Noel, you have to be careful where you place your toys,” he says.
    A young boy walks out from another small room—most likely his bedroom—with two small toy rocket ships in his hands. He’s pretending he’s in a space battle. He has very short hair with blue eyes. He runs to Isaac and hugs him.
    “Daddy,” the little boy says.
    Sonya’s body goes numb. This doesn’t make sense.
    Isaac kneels down to Noel’s level. “I want you to meet a very special person to me.” They both look at Sonya, and then he continues. “This is daddy’s younger sister, Sonya. She is your aunt.”
    Noel looks at Isaac smiling. “So we’re a family now, Daddy?”
    “Yes we are,” Isaac says, rubbing Noel’s head.
    Noel breaks free and hugs Sonya’s leg. Sonya gently pushes him away, then she kneels down and hugs him tight. Tears slowly appear from her eyes. She notices a scar going around his neck.
    “Nice to meet you, Auntie Sonya.”
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Noel.”
    “Run along and get ready for bed,” Isaac tells him sweetly. “I’ll be there soon.”
    Noel lets go and runs toward his room.
    “You resurrected him from Zone Phi,” Sonya says, looking up at Isaac.
    “Yes. I had to be sure the spell would work.” Isaac then pushes the button on the door.
    They exit the room and walk down the hallway together.
    “Does he remember his past life?”
    “No. I changed the spell to erase his past memories. As far as he knows I'm his father and soon he will have a mother, too”
    “How did he…?”
    “Vultures murdered him and his family while traveling to Zone Zeta.”
    They stop at another room. The door slides open after Isaac pushes the button and they enter. Several monitors are in front of the room showing various locations of the lab, Noel’s room, and other locations of lesser importance.
    “You can stay here and observe while I prepare incantation.”
    “How long will it take?” Sonya says.
    “Not long. It all depends on how powerful the caster is. It took me thirty minutes to resurrect Noel.”
    Sonya takes a seat and observes the

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