First Stop, New York

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Book: First Stop, New York by Jordan Cooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Cooke
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hadn’t been working.
    There’s obviously some kind of gorgeous, fat-free magnetic zone surrounding them, which repels someone like me. And, of course, I suck at this because my heart isn’t in it. Because while I want to help psychologically troubled people like Max, I don’t want to become psychologically troubled myself in the process.
    She zoomed in the binoculars’ lens to see just
familiar Trent’s hand looked on Tanya’s bikini strap.
    “Bird-watching?” she heard someone say. It was JB.
    Corliss leaped about a foot in the air. “Jeez, JB! Give a girl some warning.”
    “Sorry. It’s just that you looked so cute spying on whoever you’re spying on.”
    God, why is everything about me so obvious?
    “Whatever do you mean?” Corliss said, ineptly claiming innocence. “I was just watching the dolphins.”
    “Dolphin-watching—good one!”
    Corliss ignored this. “And how did you even knowI was back here? Max’s trailer is practically an FBI-protected environment.”
    “Are you kidding? With your gastrointestinal distress? Everyone can hear you regurgitating a half-mile down the beach.”
    Corliss giggled. Then burped. JB handed over a roll of Tums.
    “Always pack these in case of an enchilada emergency.”
    “Thanks, JB,” said Corliss, consuming about five.
    “And are you thirsty? I have a spare Arnold Palmer.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Lemonade mixed with iced tea.”
    “Sure, thanks.”
    JB handed her the extra Arnold Palmer and sat next to her. Corliss wondered if she could confide in JB about her job drama. He looked trustworthy enough. In fact, he sort of looked like the male version of her. If she couldn’t trust someone who had absolutely no fashion sense, impossible hair, and a mysterious skin condition, whom could she trust?
    “You can trust me.”
    “You were going to finally tell me who you were spying on. But you were sizing up the Jeebster to see if you could trust him.”
    “That’s amazing! How did you know that?”
    “I’m a little psychic.”
a little like that, too!
My mother says, anyway. That’s awesome. We
a lot alike.” They smiled at each other. “Okay, but you have to swear.”
    JB raised his hand. “I swear on a stack of Paris Hilton porn videos.”
    “That’s weird, but okay. Here’s the thing: Max wants me to drive a wedge between the burgeoning love connection that is
at this moment
occurring between Trent and Tanya.”
    JB’s eyes widened. “Seriously? But they are, like, the prettiest about-to-be couple that God ever created.”
    “That may be, but God is no match for Max Marx. And Max says I’ll have to nip this particular sexual chemistry experiment in the bud before Trent breaks Tanya’s heart. Apparently, Trent is a big player or something.”
    “Trent Owen Michaels is such a player, they’ve already retired his jersey! That boy gets more tail than a kitty-litter box! Don’t you read the
National Enquirer
    “No, I read abnormal psychology textbooks. Wow. Really? So I guess Tanya might really be in jeopardy…But the whole thing makes my skin crawl, JB. I’m supposed to be learning the ropes of the entertainment industry! But all I’m really learning is how to be creepy. And I suck at it. Trent and Tanya are just getting closer by the minute and my indigestion is getting worse.”
    “Hmm,” said JB, pushing his glasses up in a thoughtful gesture. Corliss pushed hers up, too. She could see JB’s mind working. “First off, I think you should stick with your job.”
    “You do?”
    “Yeah. Do you know how many people would kill to spend the winter on any beach, let alone Malibu beach?”
    “Yeah, but—”
    “Second, I think there’s a way to figure out this Trent and Tanya thing—and just generally be goofballs in the process.”
    “Hey, I resemble that remark.”
    “Listen, it seems to me that if I were a cute girl, and I had to get between a couple, I might try to get the guy

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