
Read Online Firewall by DiAnn Mills - Free Book Online

Book: Firewall by DiAnn Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: DiAnn Mills
out of Corpus Christi.”
    “We need contact information and all dialogue between Gated Labs and the two companies.” Grayson texted his request to the FBI office. “A team will be here shortly to review the information on-site. They will also need to acquire a mirror image of Taryn Young’s and Ethan Formier’s computers. The agents possess the necessary level of security for information classified as top secret. Mr. Patterson, as holder of the information, I think you would agree we have need-to-know.”
    “My opinion doesn’t seem to matter here. You understand our lawyers will be notified, and we’ll need a subpoena.”
    Grayson eyed him. “I expected no less. Thank you for your cooperation.”
    “Then we’re done here?”
    “Not yet.” Grayson slid Young into the sellout category, but the airport bombing was a puzzle. “We understand Ethan Formier worked with Taryn Young.”
    A shadow passed over Patterson’s face. “Nehemiah was her brainchild, and she worked closely with him.”
    “When was the last time you spoke with Mr. Formier?”
    “He texted me last night and said he’d changed his flight to early this morning.”
    “Did he state why?”
    Patterson blew out his exasperation. “Needed to discuss Nehemiah.”
    “We’d like to see his files.” Did Patterson have something to hide, or had his lawyers advised him to be cautious?
    “The subpoena?”
    “We’ll make sure you have it.” Grayson would have said more, but there was no point in angering Patterson and closing down an interview. “How did Taryn Young get along with other employees?”
    “Her supervisor was convinced she had issues.”
    “No, her immediate supervisor, the one the FBI spoke with earlier.”
    “We’ll want to talk to him and the rest of the team. What were your dealings with Ms. Young?”
    “As I stated earlier, this comes as a shock. She’s always been professional. Cooperative. Highly intelligent. Dedicated to Gated Labs, or so I thought. Ethan supported everything she did. I had no fault with her work until this hiccup.”
    “Anything else?”
    “She’s earned several awards, known worldwide for her various projects. I never knew of a problem until this morning with the software.”
    “I want to talk to her supervisor.”
    Patterson nodded and picked up his cell phone. A few moments later Grayson and Vince were introduced to Haden Rollins, a thirtysomething man who wore an Italian suit like a male model. And he knew it.
    “What can you tell us about Taryn Young?” Grayson said.
    “Have you arrested her yet?” Arrogance brimmed from his dark eyes. “One of our own is dead because of her.”
    “Pure speculation at this point,” Grayson said. “For the record, I’m asking the questions here.”
    Vince coughed. Up to now, he’d listened while Grayson led theconversation. “We can do this here or at our office,” Vince said. “You choose.”
    “Cooperate,” Patterson said. “I want this matter resolved.”
    Rollins brushed his jacket sleeve. “She led the team for the Nehemiah Project. Competent, but she has a quirky personality. Paranoid, in fact. Didn’t trust her team.”
    “I want the names of those people,” Vince said.
    Rollins nodded. “Friday night we discovered she’d disabled Nehemiah. Those using it were forced to use an older version.”
    That wasn’t exactly how Young had explained it.
    “I told these agents we have our best people on the problem,” Patterson said. “It’s only a matter of time.” He pointed his pen at Vince. “When she’s found, I want a full explanation.”
    Vince slowly stood and paced the room. He turned to Rollins. “What did she have to say about Francis Shepherd and her marriage? We found nothing, no photos or information that connected the two.”
    “She’s a private person. Actually, to my knowledge, she has no close friends within the workplace   —”
    “Except Ethan Formier, who’s now dead,” Patterson said.

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