
Read Online Firebird by Helaine Mario - Free Book Online

Book: Firebird by Helaine Mario Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helaine Mario
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way years ago.  She hasn’t needed my help in a very long time.”
    “She called you, Aunt Zan, just before she died.  You had your shot and you blew it!”
    Eve’s voice, crying out for help.  But she was drunk that night, I’m sure of it .  “I didn’t believe she was really in trouble, Jules.”
    “Good luck getting that off your conscience!”
    “If I had known that she really needed help...”
    “Well I’m telling you now,” said Juliet.  “ For her.  I’m asking you to believe in my mother.”
    “Believe what?”
    Juliet swiped at the tears on her cheeks and took a sharp breath.  “Mom sent me a letter.”
    “The letter Sister Joseph Maureen gave you?”
    “She told you?”
    “I’m not your enemy, Jules.  Tell me about the letter.” 
    “She sent it to St. T’s, she must have mailed it that night from Georgetown, just before she...”
    “Where is it?”
    The girl bent to the comforter and searched beneath its folds, then held out several pages of pale pink notepaper.
    Alexandra glanced at the postmark on the envelope.  It had been mailed in Georgetown on the night of Eve’s death.
    “May I?”
    The green eyes glittered with pain.  “I want you to read it.  I want someone to believe me.”
    Alexandra dropped to the floor and unfolded the letter, her chest clutching tightly as she saw the familiar looping script.
    Darling Jewel, an eternity since we’ve been together and just the thought of seeing you on your birthday - it absolutely cannot be sixteen years since I gave life to you, my darling, have I really been lying about my age this long??? -  knowing I’ll be with you has made these last long nights bearable.  I close my eyes and imagine us walking the fields at Foxwood, the joy on your face when you meet the foals and yearlings, you just can’t imagine how beautiful they are, with the morning sun shining on their coats, and of course there’s a special gift waiting for you in Lady Falcon’s stall, it is your sweet sixteen after all! I know we haven’t been together on your birthday in a long time, darling, but this year we’ll be together, I promise...
    Alexandra raised her eyes doubtfully and looked at her niece.  Evangeline the Dasher of Hopes, she thought suddenly.  So damned poetic - but so many broken promises over the years.  And always, always excused or forgiven.
    She looked down at the thin scented paper.  Now the words began to tip and scrawl, rushing across the page.           
    But - just in case something happens before I see you again...   I need you to keep a secret for me, Jewel, just like we used to.
    You remember, don’t you, that special hiding place I showed you when you were five?   I hid something there, for Aunt Alexandra, but don’t call her, my darling, you know how she is with phones, just go see her, and give her my message when you’re alone with her.  She’ll intellectualize all the reasons in the world to say no, of course, and give you all kinds of grief in her usual heartless-Zan way, but stay with her, the Snow Queen always comes around, head over heart not withstanding, and she’ll know what to do, better than I, I’m afraid - and then she’ll be there for us.
    Always, always remember that I love you, Jewel, more than you can imagine, my dearest.   I never, ever meant to hurt you.  You are the one good true thing in my life.
    It was signed, simply, Your Mother .
    Alexandra dropped her head, ambushed by the sharp grief that rolled over her.  That’s how you thought of me, Eve?   The Snow Queen ?  All ice and no feelings?  But… maybe her sister had known her better than she knew herself.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d cried.  Eve had said it, more than once.
    You’re all head and no heart, Zan.  Just once, go with your heart !
    “Aunt Zan?”
    She blinked at Juliet, and locked the grieving away. 
    “Mom said, ‘just in case something happens,’” said Juliet.  “She was

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