Fire Escape - Book Three: Troubled Heroes Series (An Action Thriller)

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Book: Fire Escape - Book Three: Troubled Heroes Series (An Action Thriller) by J.R. Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. Tate
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holding this resentment over his head and I can’t understand why. He hasn’t done a damn thing to you, Mikey. So please, you explain why you think he’s weird.” Forget Mikey having a short temper. Her anger was getting the best of her.
                  “It’s just a gut feeling I have. I can’t put it into words.” His green eyes were sharp, like they could cut right through her.
                  “I can put it into one simple word, but you don’t want to hear it.” She sat up and leaned back against the headrest.
                  “And what word is that?”
                  “One simple word that can sum up this entire shitty situation. Jealousy. That’s right, Mikey, you are jealous.”
                  “Think what you want, Eva. I’m not jealous.”
                  She scoffed. “The look on your face tells me you just aren’t so sure. And what I can’t understand is why. Why are you jealous?” She held her ring finger up to his face. “You see that? I’m yours. You’re mine. Gregg is just a friend. So there, Mikey, you can think what you want,” She replied, mimicking how he had said that just a few seconds before. Kicking her legs over the side of the bed, she started toward the kitchen, but his voice stopped her.
                  “Eva, can I ask you something?” His head was ducked, almost as if he was ashamed. She suddenly felt guilty for their argument.
                  “What?” She folded her arms over her chest.
                  Looking up at her as if he were a boy in trouble, he raked his hand through his hair and hesitated before finally speaking. “Did you tell Gregg I’m an alcoholic? I won’t be mad if you did. It’s not exactly hush hush at the firehouse.”
                  Her curiosity grew as to why he wanted to know that, especially with the sudden change in his mood. Minutes ago he was pissed. “Yes, it came up with him at one point. I didn’t talk bad about you. He wanted a drink when he was here one evening and I told him why there was nothing here. He left it at that.”
                  Nodding, it seemed like it was the answer he expected.
                  “Why? Did you not want him to know? I know that you don’t announce it to just anyone, but like you said, it’s common knowledge with the boys at work. I’m sorry if you wanted to be the one to tell him.”
                  “It’s fine, Eva. I’m not ashamed of it. I was just wondering.”
                  She sat down beside him on the bed again, grabbing his hand. “You’re a bad liar, Mikey. I don’t know what is going on, but I won’t press you on the matter, at least not right now.”
                  He squeezed her hand. “Look, Eva, I don’t want to fight. This is stupid. Just trust me when I say I’m not jealous. It feels weird. Just be careful.”
                  “I don’t want to fight either.”
    She leaned in and kissed him, moving closer as he cupped the back of her head. His hand trailed down her side, brushing up against her breasts. It sent a shiver down her spine and a soft moan escaped her lips. His fingers rested at the elastic band of her shorts. Looking into his eyes, his expression changed from worry to adventurous, and his youthful grin melted her heart. He said so much with just his eyes, and at that moment, it was obvious what he was wanting.
    Pushing her on her back, he hovered over her. She slid his shirt off and his silver chained necklace dangled in front of her face. She intertwined her index finger in it, gently pulling it down to where he was close enough for her to kiss him again.
    “If fighting means we get to do this, I’m up for duking it out all the time.”
    Mikey glanced down at his boxers. “Something else is up for it too.”
    “You’re such a perv,” she replied,

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