Finished Off (A Bellehaven House Mystery Book 2)

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Book: Finished Off (A Bellehaven House Mystery Book 2) by Kate Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kingsbury
his bowler hat over and over in his hands.
    Ignoring Hamilton as best she could, Meredith stared Platt in the eye. "How much experience have you had?"
    Platt looked confused. "In what, madam?"
    "In the affairs of a finishing school," Meredith said with as much patience as she could muster. "Or any school for that matter."
    "Well, actually, none, but—"
    "I think you will find Mr. Pratt capable of attending to the duties you described to me earlier," Hamilton said smoothly.
    Meredith turned a stern gaze on him. "It's not the duties I'm concerned about."
    "Actually, it's Platt, not Pratt," the young man murmured.
    Ignoring him, Hamilton pursed his lips, totally unsettling Meredith's insides. "Then, what are you concerned about, may I ask?"
    Meredith could feel the dreaded warmth creeping across her cheeks. "It's . . . ah . . . Mr. Platt is of a rather tender age—"
    "But exceptionally competent."
    "Nevertheless, he . . . " She floundered for another second or two, then finished in a rush. "He'll be a distraction for the young ladies."
    Hamilton raised both eyebrows. "I'm quite sure Mr. Pratt will conduct himself with the utmost restraint at all times."
    "Yes, yes, of course!" Platt stuttered. "And it's
He proceeded to spell it out. "P-L-A-T-T."
    They might both be sure, Meredith thought grimly, but she certainly did not share their convictions. "I was rather hoping to have a female assistant," she said, giving Hamiltonthe sternest look she could manage. "In keeping with the rest of the faculty here at Bellehaven."
    "Yes, well, we can't all have that which we prefer." Hamilton bent his knees and got to his feet. With supreme disregard for Roger Platt's sensitivities, he added, "We have to take what we can get. Pratt was the only one I interviewed with a glimmer of intelligence."
    The young man looked somewhat put out. "Er . . . Platt?"
    "There isn't exactly an abundance of qualified applicants desiring to work at a school for young ladies," Hamilton continued, showing no mercy.
    Catching the sudden gleam in Platt's eye, Meredith had the distinct impression that the young man was extremely happy to be considered for the position.
    She got to her feet, causing Platt to leap up from his chair. "Nevertheless, I should like to wait until a female applicant becomes available." She glanced at the young man, who stared back at her with beseeching eyes. "While I'm sure you would be more than adequate, Mr. Platt, I have my students to consider."
    She transferred her gaze to Hamilton, whose expression had darkened considerably. Stuart Hamilton did not like to be opposed, and she had a sneaking hunch that being challenged by a woman only intensified his resentment. "I am quite prepared to shoulder the extra duties until a suitable applicant can be found."
    "I simply cannot allow that." Hamilton took a step closer to her.
    With the wall behind her, Meredith had nowhere to go. Feeling like a fox caught in a trap, she could only hold her gaze in defiance as Hamilton placed a hand on her desk and leaned in closer. "We cannot have our most valuable instructress overworked. Your classes will suffer. I must insist that you at least give Pratt a fair trial. Say a month or two? If there are any problems, you may report them directly to me."
    Caught in his gaze, Meredith felt herself weakening. Hating herself for being so vulnerable in his presence, she muttered, "Very well. One month. At the slightest hint of a problem, however, you shall hear from me."
    "I would expect nothing less." He kept looking at her for far too long to be comfortable. Just when she was about to suggest he leave, he drew back. "I'm so pleased we were able to settle this matter satisfactorily."
    Seething inside, Meredith could do nothing but nod. He might be satisfied with the arrangement, but she was far from pleased. Platt had better be on his best behavior, or Stuart Hamilton would see a side of her he had never as yet witnessed.
    She waited until he had

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