Finding Me

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Book: Finding Me by Stephanie Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Rose
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drifted over each other before pulling apart.
    I popped into the bathroom to wash my face and came right back out. Leaving her looking like that, even for just a few minutes, made me uneasy as hell.
    “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day. Owen Thompson falling all over himself for some freshman piece of trash.”
    I cringed and turned around to find a very pissed off Amber in a devil’s costume. How appropriate. I couldn’t even call her an ex-girlfriend because we never really dated. We hooked up with no strings attached—or so I thought—in freshman and sophomore years until I noticed she was getting possessive and clingy. I didn’t do monogamy until recently. She was just this side of crazy, but I took most of the blame for creating that monster.
    “Amber, don’t call my girlfriend trash. We’ve been done for a while, and we weren’t much of anything to begin with.” Mean was the only thing that got through to her. Any courtesy I showed Amber was taken as an invitation.
    Amber scoffed as she moved closer. “You’re pathetic. You follow her like a little puppy and she goes to games wearing your jersey. Is her pussy made of gold or some—”
    “Stop,” I growled. She really had turned into Satan. I took a step forward and narrowed my eyes. “Just stop. Leave Bella alone. Leave me alone.”
    “Owen? Is everything okay?” Bella kissed my cheek, rubbing my arm as she looked between Amber and me. It was a small but clear act of possession, and the flaring of Amber’s nostrils were proof it worked like a charm. “Hi, Amber.”
    Amber let out a humorless laugh and glowered at Bella before storming away.
    “I don’t think she likes me very much. I guess she thinks I took you away from her.”
    My gaze jerked to Bella’s. “You . . . know?”
    Bella nodded. “At the last game, her friend Christine warned me that I was wasting my time since you always went back to Amber anyway.” She pursed her lips as she looked at me.
    I let out a long sigh as I tore the stupid crown off my head. “That’s not true. I would never—” Bella held up her hand and shook her head.
    “I know what it’s like to have rumors go around about you that are only half-truths because people are resentful and evil. Maybe I’m naïve, but I . . . trust you. I mean, you worked pretty hard to get close to me. If you wanted the easy hookup I think you would have just gone that route instead, right? But you dealt with my moody New York attitude and asked for more.” Bella smirked as she wrapped her arms around my waist and planted a kiss on my chin. “That should count for something.”
    I chuckled and pecked her lips. My brave girl. She dropped hints here and there as to why she chose a college all the way up here instead of one of the top schools in the city, but I wouldn’t press for the full story. She would tell me when she was ready.
    “Yeah, you were pretty tough to take sometimes. Still are.” She grinned and cuddled into my chest. “But I don’t want to be anywhere else,” I whispered into her hair.
    “Good.” Bella beamed at me and kissed my lips. “Neither do I.”

    “HEY, BELLA! OWEN'S UPSTAIRS. YOU can go right up.” Ethan nodded toward the staircase that led to their apartment. He was a nice, easy going guy, and the only one of Owen’s friends not on the hockey team. He had chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes and a killer smile, and was never without a girl at his side. Owen’s other roommate, Andy, wasn’t bad either, but not the most social guy. Owen said he was good people, albeit an acquired taste.
    I couldn’t quite make eye contact with Ethan since the last time I came back to the apartment with Owen before Thanksgiving break. We caught Ethan naked in the hallway—on a date and thinking they had the place to themselves for a night. I was no prude, but seeing junk not belonging to my boyfriend turned me three shades of red. I hadn't even seen Owen's, but I . . . felt it . . . a lot. On my leg,

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