Finding Home

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Book: Finding Home by Lacey Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Thorn
“And I love him. With all I have, with all I am, I love him. And I grow more terrified every day of losing him.” She took a deep breath and tried to gain control of herself. “I can’t lose him. I can’t. He’s my whole world. I won’t survive without him. I won’t make it.”
    And just like that, Andy was in front of her mother and they were both sinking to the floor with their arms wrapped around each other.
    “I’m here, Momma,” she promised. “Lean on me for a bit. I’m here and I won’t let you go.”
    It was long moments before either could speak again. Andy helped her mother rise and seated her at the table before turning to pour them both a cup of the fresh coffee that had brewed during the storm of emotions. She turned and sat one in front of her mother before taking the seat beside her and settling her cup on the table in front of her.
    “I know that I haven’t always been here for you, any of you,” Andy said. “And I know that I’ve been a disappointment to you for most of my life, but I promise you…”
    “Where on earth would you get a foolish notion like that, Andrea Michelle Ebans?” Claire said, her backbone straightening.
    “Momma, it’s no big deal,” Andrea said. “You’ve always been closer to Chloe. I know that. I’ve never been the daughter you wanted me to be.”
    “Oh, Andrea,” Claire leant forward and took her hands. “I’m the worst mother ever for making you feel that way. I have never been disappointed in you. Never. You have a strength and courage deep inside you that I wish I possessed.”
    “What?” Andrea said in shock. Her mother was the pillar of strength as far as she was concerned.
    “You just never really needed me when you were a girl.” Her mother smiled as she seemed to recall some scene from the past. “You always followed your daddy around like a little puppy dog. It was cute.” She smiled at Andy. “He has never once regretted that I couldn’t give him a son because he’s always had you.”
    Andy felt tears fill her eyes again, and her mother reached across and took her hands in hers.
    “You were always content to be with him and Chloe, she needed me. She didn’t possess your strength. She was always insecure and unsure of herself.”
    Andy looked at her mother with shock. Her perfect older sister was insecure and unsure of herself?
    “Don’t look so surprised. It almost killed Chloe when she fell in love with Bryan and him with her. She wanted to be like you so badly, and then suddenly she had what was yours and she felt guilty about it.” Her mother shook her head. “But you just shook him off like dust on your boots and you were gone.” Her mother laughed and a smile lit her face for the first time since Andy had found her in the kitchen. “You were always the brave one. And I was so proud of you. No man who could even look at another woman while he was with you was worthy of you. And you knew that.”
    “But I…” Andy started to say, but her mother shook her head and interrupted.
    “Deep inside you knew that. Strength, Andy, and courage beyond your years.” She squeezed Andy’s hands with hers. “I have never been disappointed in you. Proud as hell, but never disappointed in you. Did I want you to dress a little nicer sometimes?” She laughed. “Well, I did have two daughters after all. But I love you.   And it kills me to realise that by not interfering more in your life somehow I led you to believe that I was anything but proud. You are my flesh and blood and don’t think I didn’t flay your sister and Bryan to within an inch of their lives after what they did. Family always comes first because when push comes to shove, they’re the ones you know will be right there beside you every step of the way.”
    “Oh, Momma,” Andy cried and slipped to her knees on the floor, wrapping her arms around her mother’s waist and burying her head in her side. “I’m not strong and I’m not brave. And I need you now more

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