Finders Keepers Losers Die
"He took it surprisingly
well though. I would have been calling the police on her."
    "I think he feels sorry for her. Or maybe
he's still in love with her."
    Carl snorted. "Nope, he's definitely not in
love with her anymore. You should have seen him when he spotted her
getting out of her car yesterday. He couldn't get to his office
fast enough and told me to tell her he wasn’t in. It’s only because
she insisted on checking that he got found out."
    "He’s a coward."
    "She’s a bitch."
    Good call.
    "So are you going to share your case
with me, Cat?"
    I was dying to tell somebody and since Carl
might be able to help, I blurted it all out. "Roberta’s husband is
    "Dead? Damn, now she'll never get her
jewelry back." Spoken like a true PI.
    "He was murdered."
    His mouth dropped open and his baby blues
bugged out of his head. "She didn't do it, did she?"
    "Nope. She doesn't know who killed him or
    "He was an ex-con, wasn’t he? Maybe he was
being too friendly with his old buddies. Or not friendly
    "That was my theory. I saw him hanging out
    "You followed him? You followed Lou
    "Ye-es, I needed to learn his patterns, his
associates. Isn't that what you'd do?"
    "Yeah, but…Jeez, Cat, you’re lucky he didn’t
spot you."
    Enlightening him wouldn’t do my ego any
    "So what now?" he asked.
    "Roberta wants me to keep looking for the
    He sat down at my desk with purpose. "Good
idea. He might have taken their location to his grave but on the
other hand, it’s safer for you now with Scarletti out of the
picture." He picked up my phone and started dialing. "He wouldn't
have told her where they were when he was alive anyway."
    "Who’re you calling?"
    He held up a hand as he listened to the
person on the other end. "Daryl Miller," he said. There was another
pause and then Daryl Miller must have picked up because Carl spoke
to him like they were old buddies. I’d heard Carl and Will mention
Miller’s name before. He was a cop pal of Will's from his stint in
the force some ten plus years ago. They often called him if they
needed information from the police database.
    A few minutes later, Carl hung up. He tore
off the top yellow sticky note from the pad and handed it to me.
"Stankovic is the detective in charge. Miller says there’s no leads
as yet but they want to speak to Scarletti's associates."
    I gave him my sweetest smile. "Thanks, Carl,
you’re a gem."
    "He also said Stankovic is still at the
crime scene. Lou's apartment." He winked and gave me a lopsided
    I think that meant I should go round and
talk to the cops. "What about Will? Is he due in soon?"
    Carl’s face turned a shade paler. "Uh,
    The front door opened and I swung round.
Will strolled in, shoulders slumped, hair messier than usual and
eyes looking like a road map. He acknowledged Carl with a nod and
gave me half a frazzled smile. "Feeling better?"
    "Huh? Oh, yeah. Better than you look anyway.
Did you sleep last night?" As soon as I said it I wanted to take it
back. What if he’d made up with Tanya after their fight? Make-up
sex can get pretty intense and I didn't want to hear the
    "I was thinking about this damn Waterstone
contract all night. He’s becoming a pain in the ass."
    "Get rid of him."
    "We can’t afford to, Cat." He said it like I
was stupid for not understanding.
    I ignored his attitude while I tried to
think of an excuse to leave. Will beat me to it by heading up to
his office and shutting the door.
    "Go," Carl whispered. "I’ll tell him your
grandmother died or something."
    I thanked him and left. Twenty minutes
later, I parked behind a police car outside Lou’s apartment. There
were cops everywhere. As with any good tragedy, the neighbors had
come out for a look. A young, gangly officer standing near the
front door kept them back, shooing them away like he was herding
    I went straight up and gave him a mega-watt
Hollywood smile. "Hi. I’m Cat Sinclair

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