Filthy Rich-Part 2

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Book: Filthy Rich-Part 2 by Kendall Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendall Banks
She always felt like NaNa needed to dress more like his age. At forty-one he wasn’t getting any younger.
    After closing the door and tucking the gun in his pants, NaNa grabbed a blunt from the cocktail table and took a pull. After offering Nessa a hit, which she declined, he led her through the house to the kitchen.
    "Shit's definitely been picking up lately. The work is moving like crazy. Muthafuckas been blowin' my damn phone up for the past couple days."
    Those words were music to Nessa's ears.
    “That’s what I wanna hear!”
    Reaching the kitchen, NaNa opened a cabinet and pulled out ten boxes of Pops cereal. Opening them, he then pulled out stacks of money. "A little over four hundred thousand," he said. “I did what we planned to triple the profit.”
    Nodding approvingly, Nessa loved how the money felt in her hand. "Good job. Any problems?" she asked.
    "Nahhh, shit been good so far. But I'm keepin' my eyes and ears open. You know how it is out here. Muthafuckas see you makin' major moves, and word spreads. Niggas start gettin' jealous."
    "Well, don't stunt. That shit draws too much attention."
    "Don't worry."
    “And of course you got somebody reliable running the other house, right?”
    “Hell yeah. My system is the shit…they cook & move baby, before anybody can blink.”
    "Bet. And your team; are they keeping their mouths shut?"
    "Yeah, they know. I don't play that shit. We all know I’m the master at this game."
    NaNa had recruited some of his seasoned workers that he trusted with his life to help move the work. For him, the entire process had been successful thus far.
    "Anyway, the way this work is starting to move, you're going to have to re-up soon. I definitely think we'll have the last of this coke moved by the end of the week."
    "I got you."
    Getting the money was the best news Nessa had received since deciding to cross Luke. Shit was coming together. She now knew that as long as she stayed focused with NaNa and the crew of pups he'd recruited, the sky was the limit. All she had to do was make sure NaNa was getting his twenty-five percent as promised.
    After leaving NaNa and now sitting in the driver's seat of the rental again with the money in the backseat, Nessa smiled for the first time in a while. Everything had been worth it, she realized. She was coming up. And in no time, she could envision herself taking Chetti's spot. The thought made her snicker as it was accompanied by the memory of she and Chetti arguing the night Luke her set up. She remembered as she lay on that bed aching and battered, she had promised Chetti she was going to take over. She was now keeping that promise.
    The cell rang.
    Looking at the screen, Nessa knew who the call was from. It didn't have a name but she recognized the number. "Yeah," she answered.
    "You don't know how to answer your phone these days?" Luke's voice asked. Despite his anger, he kept his tone calm.
    Leaning back in the seat, truly feeling herself, Nessa said, "Been busy."
    "Is that right?"
    There was a cockiness and sarcastic tone to Nessa's voice. She laced her voice with it on purpose. She wanted Luke to hear in her tone that she no longer needed him.
    "Too busy to handle the orders I gave you, huh?"
    Nessa sighed loudly hoping to get as far underneath Luke's skin as possible. "Isn't it obvious?"
    Luke grew silent.
    "Cat got your tongue, Luke? Well, just so you know, I knew about that white bitch. Yeah, I knew about Pamela. I knew you were playing me like a fool the whole damn time. That's why I took the money and left your ass in there to rot."
    Luke laughed.
    "What's so fuckin' funny?"
    "So, you think I'm going to rot in here, huh?"
    "Nigga, with all the shit the Feds got on you, they're going to put your ass under the jail. And while you're there, me and my child will be living beautifully off your money."
    "Yes, Luke, I'm pregnant. And the baby is yours. But that's none of your concern. You'll never see it."

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