Fighting the Inevitable
Jared was just telling me
that I am now the proud beneficiary of one million
    Millie’s eyes went round
with shock, and she slowly sat down on one of the chairs at the
breakfast table. Rhianna sat back down beside her and so did Jared
after a moment. “You’re shitting me, right?” Millie managed to get
out, shaking her head in disbelief. “How the hell could Rafe afford
a policy like that?”
    Jared watched the new
woman who was obviously Millicent Cooper as per Rafe’s information.
His wolf was howling ‘mine’ repeatedly, and he was seriously
having to battle hard to calm him down while still appearing to act
normally in front of the two women.
    He wanted to howl
himself. If things weren’t bad enough already, they had just become
so much worse. Here he was lying his ass off to Rafe’s sister, and
it turned out her best friend was his mate!
    How could he rip the only
other person Rhianna Armand had in her life from her after all she
had been through? However, he would have to do so, because it was
impossible to deny his wolf. Millicent Cooper was his mate and he
had to have her. No one could fight the mating instinct.

    Caleb strangled down a
deep sigh and tried hard not to drum his fingers on the boardroom
table. The CEO from Belmont Industries was droning on and on and he
was bored with the man. He was only half listening to the fat,
balding human, letting his mind wander to what he’d do once he
finished work.
    He sensed Demetri shoot a
quick glance in his direction, and realised he’d actually started
to drum his fingers. It was a shocking loss of control, one he
wasn’t used to. His mind had been wandering constantly for weeks
now, and it was immensely irritating. He stopped immediately, and
tried to pay attention to the proposal the other company was
    “ Can you
at least try to look interested?” Demetri said sarcastically
inside his head . “This will be an excellent deal for the
company, Caleb. All these meetings will be for nothing if you piss
off Arthur Belmont.”
    “ The man’s
a moron,” Caleb retorted acidly. “Look at him. He’s so full
of his own self-importance he’s about ready to explode. If you want
to kiss his ass then go ahead, Demetri. Quite frankly he’s doing my
fucking head in.” He could feel his friend’s shock through
their mental link.
    “ What the
fuck is up with you? You’ve been a bear with a sore fucking head
for the last month. I think the last time I saw a smile crack your
face was when you picked up that little redhead at the
    Caleb barely stiffened,
but knew his friend would pick up the movement, though the others
in the meeting would be none the wiser. He had tried very hard to
put that night out of his head, but without much success. He didn’t
need Demetri bringing it up and waving it under his nose. The
strength of his disappointment at finding Rhianna gone when he woke
up had stunned him. Never in his very long life had he ever felt
such regret at finding a woman gone from his home. Usually he was
relieved not to have to face them the morning after.
    It was different with the
delightful little redhead though. He had woken up and smiled as he
walked downstairs to find her. He had wanted to see her lying
before his fire, her beautiful face sleepy, her long auburn curls
tumbling wildly around her head.
    His body had hardened at
the image, and he’d begun thinking of how he could love her
delectable little body before driving her home. Instead, he’d been
greeted by an empty room, and a fierce rage settling deep within
his soul. His feral side had kicked in and he’d wanted to start
hunting immediately.
    Her scent had still been
in the air, as had the heady scent of the sex they’d had, but the
girl was gone; his throw folded neatly on the sofa. A quick check
had shown she’d even re-locked his door and posted his keys through
the letterbox. For some reason that tiny gesture had soothed a lot
of his feral

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