Fighter Daddy: A Bad Boy Secret Baby MMA Sports Romance

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Book: Fighter Daddy: A Bad Boy Secret Baby MMA Sports Romance by Marci Fawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marci Fawn
think, I slam my foot down on the gas and Ed's car jumps like a champ. I can hear Raina scream, still caught in the other guy's hold when the car yanks them both along. I back away and jump out of the car.
    "Lee!" Raina screams, but I have to deal with the immediate threat first.
    It takes me two steps to get to the front of the car and knock the gun out of the man's hand. I see him now, short and mad like a little dog. Guys like him always carry big guns to make up for not being man enough on their own. He's bloody and bruised, but breathing. That's all I need. Lucky for him I didn't simply run him over. I considered it.
    I turn to the other idiot. He's been busy, apparently. The passenger door is open and he's holding Raina in front of him, gun to her head.
    "Not one step," he tells me, growling.
    Somehow he seems familiar. I've seen him around. Probably was present when Ricky and I met. Good.
    "I know who you are," he tells me, confirming my thoughts. "If you try to pull your kung fu on me, I'll put a bullet through her head."
    Kung fu. This asswipe wouldn't know kung fu if it hit him in the face. I sneer while Raina screams. We're drawing looks now and I can only assume cops are minutes away.
    "I don't think so," I tell the oaf. "I'm thinking your boss doesn't want her harmed."
    "So what?" he barks at me.
    I don't buy it. Ricky doesn't employ guys who don't understand how to follow orders. He's bullshitting me, but a gun is a gun and nervous fingers get twitchy.
    "Fine," I say. "Let's talk this out, see if we can settle this—"
    As soon as I start talking, he relaxes. It's sad to watch, really. My kick knocks the gun from his hand, but he still has Raina. Shock flashes in his eyes and Raina's, and they both stumble back from me. The guy because he thinks dragging her along will help, and Raina because she's caught in a headlock now. Fuck that. No one is hurting her if I can help it.
    I don't bother with another feint, I go straight at him. Reputation is everything and he knows me. The only way out for him is to pretend he's going to snap Raina's neck, but he's too stupid for that. He lets her go, preparing to defend himself. Idiot. Without Raina, I have no reason to pull my punches.
    In a cage, I sometimes put on a show, drag the thing out a bit for the audience. Right now, already hearing sirens, I make it quick and simple. Raina gasps when my punch catches the guy right on the nose and he goes down, bleeding all over himself. I ache to give him more, take his thick fat head and smash it with the car door, but I don't have time.
    "Get in the car," I tell Raina. "More are coming."
    She obeys, too terrified to speak. I think I see Ed running out of the building, but I'm already pulling away from the fashion house in the stolen car. It needs to be ditched soon too, but in traffic I can get lost more easily than with a bike.
    No help came for the two thugs, so I'm guessing no one else saw us get into the car. Only a matter of time before one of them alerts the others, but it gives us precious minutes to get away.
    Raina is trembling next to me.
    "He had a gun," she says. "The second guy. He had a gun."
    "Someone is trying to kill me."
    She looks so completely lost in that moment that I take pity on her.
    "It might not be only about you anymore," I tell her.
    Those big green doe eyes are looking at me, nearly popping out of her pretty little head.
    "What do you mean?" she asks.
    "Ricky and I, we've met. He wanted to make money off me, but I screwed him out of that deal. The day we reunited, in fact. If I had to guess, I'd say it's me he wants dead, not you."
    Raina doesn't say anything while I drive, doing my best to keep an eye on the traffic and look for any cars that have been on our tail for too long. All seems fine so far.
    "I'm sorry," she says at last, to my surprise.
    "What the fuck are you apologizing for?"
    "For getting you into this mess when you already had a score with him."
    She's being serious. I don't

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