Fender Bender Blues

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Book: Fender Bender Blues by Niecey Roy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Niecey Roy
Tags: Contemporary
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lasted longer than a day she’d treat herself to a new purse.
    The waitress strode away with a ridiculous sway to her hips with Craig and a few other men in the room as her audience. Rach studied the woman closer than she had the first time. Young and tall with well-sculpted legs, her only blemish being bleached blonde hair—and she had big boobs. Rach looked down at her own A cups in the Victoria’s Secret pushup bra, giving her a little cleavage in the gray, wide strapped tank top she wore. Unimpressive in comparison.
    She turned back to Craig in the middle of asking Rick about work, and interrupted, “I’m sure boobs for brains thinks every guy is charming.”
    “No, she just has good taste,” he threw back.
    “The ego is real attractive,” she replied with an eye roll.
    With a taunting grin, he replied, “She seems to like it.”
    That was it, she could either get up for the popcorn herself or she could break down and wrestle a cigarette from the girl behind her. With a huff, she stood up and made a straight-line for the popcorn machine at the end of the bar and scooped out a large, buttery helping into a bowl. She gave it a generous shower of salt and popped three pieces into her mouth and moaned with pleasure at the taste.
    The euphoria did not last because when she returned to the table Craig was still there. Of course he hadn’t left, he was hell bent on making her miserable.
    He sat back in his chair, relaxed, with his legs sprawled out under the table. He scoped the room and she wondered if he were looking for someone in particular. Perhaps the brunette from earlier. Many of the women had an eye on him and he returned their gaze with a confident smile.
    “Men are so predictable,” Rach mumbled.
    “How’s that?” he asked, taking a long pull of his beer. By his smile, he had no doubt what she was talking about.
    Rach swallowed the popcorn in her mouth then said, “Staring at women like they’re meat. It’s sick. Men never grow up.”
    He raised his brows, amused. “If you say so. All these women happen to like being looked at or they wouldn’t look first. Relax, Red.”
    Rach took a deep breath and told herself not to overreact and throw her drink in his face. He was trying to bait her and she needed to get a grip. She knocked back the martini the waitress had only just delivered, trying to ignore the part of her brain that wondered what it would be like to have those huge arms around her. She tore her eyes away and mused, They need bigger drinks in this joint .
    She stood and said, “I need fresh popcorn,” and went back to the machine in the corner. On the way back she stopped at a table of women she knew from an office she’d worked at a few months before. From the corner of her eye, the brunette reappeared, fondling Craig’s shoulders and laughing like a hyena. Rach rolled her eyes and turned her back on them both, hoping the woman would fondle him on over to the other side of the bar.
    When she returned to the table the brunette was gone and so was the waitress, but Craig was still there. She sat down with her popcorn and drink while Craig ogled a woman in tight jeans bending over the table next to them.
    No way could he be that much of a creep. The fact that he was leering just to piss her off was infuriating. The sudden idea to push him off his chair came to mind.
    Just one little nudge . She leaned in closer to go in for the kill. He deserved it. She almost giggled at the idea of dumping him on the floor. She sucked in her cheeks to keep from smiling and edged closer.
    Just before she could snake her hands out to seal the deal, Leah slapped the table, startling Craig. His eyes flitted back and forth between the women and her surprise attack went up in smoke. Rach popped the last-olive-standing into her mouth and chewed in consternation, glaring at Leah who pretended not to notice while she busied herself with running her fingers up and down the length of Rick’s arm. Rach had a pretty

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