Feel (Sovereign Book 3)
    When I got there, Matt hooked his arm around my waist, and pulled me close, kissing me as he dragged me through an open door and closed it with his leg behind him.
    In hindsight, it was a stupid decision—probably the worst I've made in a long, long time, even more so than taking Martin Hall's virginity back in my senior year. That went bad because he found out it was out of friendship and sympathy, because I didn't want the hot class geek to leave high school a virgin. Martin wanted more, and I didn't see him as anything other than a friend.
    But Matt Taylor's lips against mine, his body against mine, his very hard pelvis against mine—all I could think about was getting an orgasm any way possible.
    "My dress has a split," I breathed out between kisses.
    "Fucking perfect," he said, his voice low and raspy in a way that I felt deep between my legs. Then his hand dipped beneath my blue satin bridesmaid dress, gliding over my skin toward the V zone.
    To my delight and complete admiration, he hit the golden spot first time around, growling in appreciation at my lack of panties. My head dropped back in total and utter relief the moment he touched my clit because even in my drunken state, I could appreciate that—at the very least—the rumors of his talented whoredom were true.
    As he rubbed and curled, and stroked and swirled, he proved without a doubt that he knew what he was doing and exactly what to do to get me there.
    I clung to his shoulders, holding on for dear life as his tongue plundered my mouth and his magic fingers rocked my world as he rubbed his hard cock against me. Then I felt it, from the tips of my toes to my aching breasts, from my fingertips biting into his skin to the drenched finish line between my legs—my climax hit me like a Mack truck going at warp speed. My entire body convulsing in ecstatic spasms as I screamed his name into his mouth and he groaned long, low, and hard into mine.
    In between heaving breaths, he mutters, “That’s one . . .”
    “What?” I asked in a hoarse whisper. He didn’t answer for a long time, just stared at me, his eyes full of intense heat.
    “Wanna get out of here?”
    Thankfully, even in my drunken haze, I knew I’d just put in motion a potential clusterfuck of epic proportions, and damage control—albeit half-hearted at best—needed to be implemented.
    “I’ve got to . . . go . . .” I said slowly, thinking on my feet, “. . . see Zoe. She’s leaving soon, and I’ve gotta help her get changed.” And, doing a quick scan of my dress in the dim light of what appeared to be a supply closet, I swung the door open and quickly scampered across the hall to the ladies’ bathroom to freshen up.
    When I resurfaced five minutes later—makeup and hair fixed, and dress readjusted—the supply room door was open, but there was no Matt. Weirdly enough, I didn’t see him again for the rest of the night.
    And in the eighteen months since then, it has never been mentioned.
    So much so, I almost wonder if I had imagined it.
    Until now.
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    BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of ten novels.
    She writes contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and romantic suspense.
    An avid music fan, you will always find her with headphones on while writing, and the speakers blaring the rest of the time. She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and when she’s not writing – she’s reading.
    BJ resides with her family in what she considers the best country in the world—New Zealand.
    She describes her writing as a little swoon, a lot of heat, a bit of drama and a whole lot of love.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bjharveyauthor
    Twitter: @bjharveyauthor
    Instagram: bjharvs
    Tumblr: http://bjharveyauthor.tumblr.com/
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6886702.B_J_Harvey
    Sign up for her mailing list here: http://eepurl.com/MfpyP

    Romantic Comedy
    Bliss Series (Interconnected

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