Fear and Anger (The 47 Echo Series)

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Book: Fear and Anger (The 47 Echo Series) by Shawn Kupfer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn Kupfer
Tags: Action, Military, Sci-Fi, War
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said, shrugging. He said nothing else, as if that simple sentence explained everything. Instead, he started rifling through the dead man’s pockets. He set a few items out on the street – a tablet computer, a hand-held radio, and a notepad with several pages covered in Cyrillic writing. He then gathered the items up and started walking back to the park.
    “That was cold brutal, man,” Peter said under his breath as he and Christopher followed Yuri at a short distance.
    “Yeah,” Christopher said. “But I don’t know why I was expecting any different.”
    “Me either, just... wow, man. Yuri don’t play.”
    “How good is your tech girl?” Yuri called over his shoulder as he walked.
    “Pretty damned good,” Christopher yelled back.
    “Good. This is encrypted,” he said, holding up the tablet briefly before stashing it in a cargo pocket. He slowed slightly to let Christopher and Peter catch up. “I did something to upset you?”
    “No, just wasn’t expecting that,” Christopher said, well aware of how stupid it sounded. They’d just shot down 60 men in the park, half of whom had been unarmed.
    “You would have preferred I cut his throat? Smashed his head with my boot?”
    “We do things a little different. Not a criticism, Yuri. You say he wouldn’t have talked, he wouldn’t have talked. You know these guys better than I do.”
    Yuri seemed satisfied at this answer, and Christopher was glad. He’d seen what the guy could be like when he was angry, and he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of that if he could help it. They were back at the park in less than a minute, by which time Gregor and Daniel had come down from the trees and were helping the rest of the crew liberate the AK-47s and AK-74s from the bodies of the Russian Renegade soldiers.
    “Chechens,” Gregor said to his partner as they approached.
    “ Da ,” Yuri said, nodding and turning to Christopher. “Chechens were only too happy to join up with the Renegade forces after our... let’s call it ‘storied past,’ shall we?”
    Christopher nodded, vaguely aware of what Yuri was talking about. Some of it had happened before he was born, some while he was in the first grade. But he’d learned working with Russians these past couple of years that they could sure hold a grudge when they wanted to. He decided the less he said about any of it, the better. Instead of joining in on the Chechen-bashing, he waved to Mary.
    “Hey, wanna take a look at this tablet? Some kind of encryption,” he shouted over to her.
    “On my way.”
    Yuri gave her the tablet, she messed around with it for a few seconds before nodding.
    “Yeah. Locked up tight. Shouldn’t be too hard to crack once I hook it up to my computer in the truck.”
    Mary headed back to the truck with the tablet.
    “Does she need one of us to help translate?” Gregor asked.
    “Negative,” Christopher told him. “Mary speaks pretty passable Russian. Most of my guys do.”
    Christopher joined Gregor and Yuri in searching through the bodies of the detachment they’d just wiped out. It wasn’t a particularly fun job, but it fell into the “one of those things that needed to be done” category – apart from taking their weapons and recycling them into the war effort, they couldn’t take the chance that these guys didn’t have some valuable intel on them. While Gregor and Yuri had their attention turned to digging through pockets and backpacks, Christopher signaled Peter to go back to the truck. If there was something on that tablet, Christopher wanted to make sure he was the first to know.
    A strange feeling had come over him, especially when he’d seen Yuri flat-out execute that Chechen soldier. It was Yuri who had suggested they even stop in Bulaevo. It was Yuri who had supposedly received a call from someone in town saying that the guard would be light, and there couldn’t be more than 50 Renegade soldiers in town. He didn’t want to suspect the Spetsnaz operators, but

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