Fear and Anger (The 47 Echo Series)

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Book: Fear and Anger (The 47 Echo Series) by Shawn Kupfer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn Kupfer
Tags: Action, Military, Sci-Fi, War
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pointed at the advancing soldiers. Christopher could now see they were Russian Renegades, and only about half of them were armed. Still, that made the odds more than seven to one on the ground.
    “I think we do like the man said,” Christopher grumbled, unclipping his M4 from its chest strap.
    Yuri nodded and placed his AK-47 on the ground in front of him. Both Martin and Peter followed suit, and the four men all placed their hands on their heads and stepped back from their weapons as the soldiers advanced.
    “Hey, Gregor,” Christopher heard Daniel in his helmet radio. “You seeing what I’m seeing?”
    “ Da ,” Gregor’s voice burst in on the same channel, his radio producing more static than Daniel’s.
    “Looks like 30 of them have guns. You want the 15 on the left or the 15 on the right?”
    “That’s 31, my friend. Sniper up in the church bell tower.”
    “Not for long.”
    “Shit,” Christopher said under his breath. He moved closer to Yuri, who he realized didn’t have a helmet radio and wasn’t hearing any of the two snipers’ conversation.
    “On three, guys. Try to dive for your weapons and help us out. Mary?” Daniel said.
    “I have a UAV up and targeting. We can be there in 10 seconds, according to Bryce.”
    “One... two... three,” Daniel said softly, his voice even through the whole count.
    Christopher tackled Yuri to the ground while Peter and Martin dove for cover again. He didn’t hear the snipers picking off their targets, but he saw four men drop in the first couple of seconds. The Russian mini-UAV blazed through an instant later, firing both of its PKT coaxial machine guns as it swooped low over the mass of troops. By the time Christopher got his hand on his M4, Bryce and Michael were already using the APC’s guns to mop up the rest of the troops.
    “You’re clear, Chief,” Daniel radioed. Christopher knew the young man was grinning without having to see him.
    “Uh...” the amplified voice said, then cut off.
    Christopher stood up and clipped his M4 back to his chest strap. He scanned the streets around him with his night vision, but apart from his own people hopping out of the APC to provide security and the mini-UAV landing back on top of the vehicle, he saw no movement.
    “Got someone running, one block up, two over,” Daniel radioed. “Russian Renegade, and he’s really moving. Want me to slow him down?”
    “I’d like to ask him some questions,” Yuri said, a hard edge in his voice.
    “I have him,” Gregor radioed.
    That shot, Christopher heard. He also heard the loud scream and the body crashing into what sounded like a trash can a few blocks away. The night had gone so quiet in the wake of their violent counterattack that Christopher suddenly realized he could hear everything, including his own people breathing a hundred feet away.
    Yuri started moving almost immediately, leaving Christopher to jog to catch up. He motioned to Peter to come with him, and the three of them rapidly covered the few blocks to where Gregor had hobbled the fleeing soldier. When they arrived, they found him pulling himself along the street with his arms, his right leg almost obliterated below the knee, trailing blood behind him as he crept. Yuri used his foot to turn the soldier onto his back and immediately started yelling at him. Christopher didn’t speak much Russian at all, so he turned to Peter and raised an eyebrow.
    “Uh... homeboy ain’t happy. He’s talking pretty fast. I’m only getting a little of it,” Peter said.
    When Yuri gave the soldier a chance to respond, the answer was short and shouted at maximum volume.
    “OK, that, I got. And it wasn’t polite at –” Peter started. A gunshot cut him off.
    Christopher turned back to Yuri and the soldier to see the former putting his pistol back in its holster. The soldier was now dead on the ground, shot once through the head.
    “Fuck, man!” Christopher said.
    “He would not have talked. He was Chechen,” Yuri

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