
Read Online FavoriteObsession by Nancy Corrigan - Free Book Online

Book: FavoriteObsession by Nancy Corrigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Corrigan
them and the one person they’d always return to.
    A shifter’s instincts and primal drives were the reason
finding a royal’s one was so profound. One whiff, one look and they
simply knew . Because of their possessive nature, they wanted her to mark
their chosen male in every possible way so nobody dared take him away.
    As much as she trusted her cats, she simply didn’t
understand how Josh could be her one . Her apprehension spiked as the
thought to hold, making her doubt everything, even her attraction to him. As if
sensing her unease, Josh pressed his thumbs into her skin and rubbed small
circles over her hipbone. The slight touch felt as intimate as if he were
fondling her breasts. Each stroke sent a tingling bite along her nipples only
his mouth could ease.
    She mimicked the caress on his biceps. The subtle vibrations
under her fingertips betrayed how much he enjoyed her touch, yet despite her
silent invitation, he didn’t kiss her. Hoping to entice him, she leaned closer.
She licked the drops of blood off his lower lip, taking his unique flavor
inside and healing the wounds along the tender flesh.
    Josh groaned. He dug his hands into her hair. A rough tug on
the locks forced her to lean back and open to him. She did and he slipped
inside. No hesitation now. He commanded the kiss and explored her mouth with
the deep unquenchable hunger she’d sensed growing in him over these past couple
of months. Every day, the lust burned a little hotter.
    Her limbs trembled. The needs he ignited threatened to
consume her, but by the gods, it’d be bliss. Utter ecstasy without constraints.
Each swipe of his tongue over her cheeks and teeth fanned the fire. He banded
an arm around her waist and slammed their bodies together. Her breath escaped
in a whoosh, an exhale he greedily swallowed.
    The tight press of their bodies left no room to
misunderstand Josh’s reaction to her. The ridge of his erection pushed into her
stomach and hardened the longer they kissed. She rubbed against him, trying to
show him without words she’d give him anything. A shudder ran through him in
answer. His kiss turned wicked. Each groan and rolling thrust of his tongue
satisfied her.
    She slipped her hands under his shirt. The hot,
sweat-slickened skin under her fingertips teased her with promises. She
tightened her grip on him and pulled him closer. It wasn’t enough. Her sex wept
and clenched on air. She wanted his cock inside her, filling her up and giving
her what no male ever had.
    Submit to him. Here. Now. Her thought or her cats?
She wasn’t sure and didn’t care. She wanted his claim more than anything else
in the world. Her body went lax in his arms as she gave in to her primal
    As if he’d been waiting for her acceptance, he lifted her relaxed
body and pressed her more fully into his erection. The new angle pushed the
head of his shaft against her jeans-covered clit. Excitement thrummed through
her. The thump in the bundle of nerves echoed in her ears, demanding to be
touched—his mouth, cock, fingers. It didn’t matter how as long as he stroked her
nub and gave her release.
    Desperate for the bliss she knew he’d deliver, she shoved
her hand down the waistband of his jeans. The flexing of his buttocks as he
ground his erection into her pulled a moan from her chest. She couldn’t wait to
have him inside her.
    She slid her hand between them and popped the top button of
his jeans. He grabbed her wrist. Confused by his refusal of her touch, she
eased back. Josh’s face filled her vision. The desire stamped there didn’t
support his actions. She opened her mouth to ask why he’d stopped her but
snapped it closed as the catcalls and hoots of the crowd around them finally
registered in her lust-induced fog.
    He grinned and she offered him a matching smile, albeit a
shaky one. She suddenly felt shy with all the humans whistling and cheering
them on.
    “You taste good, Mira.”
    Heat flushed her cheeks. The simple words

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