
Read Online Fated by Nicole Tetterton - Free Book Online

Book: Fated by Nicole Tetterton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Tetterton
way of showing it,” I snap at him.
    “What do you want me to do?”
    “Nothing,” I pause finally let my eyes meet his. “Also, Mar is coming to get me, and I’m not sure if this is going to work for me here. So, I should probably not come back tomorrow.” I tell him and walk back out of the room.
    He doesn’t come out after me, and he doesn’t try to get me to stay. I know with the anger that sits inside of me that I wanted him to.

Chapter Seven
    The week passes slower with me laying around and listening to music. I only hear from Austin once and it’s a quick phone call to talk about the court case which they have moved up a few weeks to the middle of February, he says it is them trying to mess with me, trying to make it so I will not be able to make it there for the day; trying to screw me. It is Friday afternoon and Mar has taken today till Thursday off because of Christmas, but as I make my way down the stairs I see a cleaning crew leaving and I walk around the corner to see Mar pacing and I know that she is nervous about something.
    “Mar , what’s going on?” She jumps when I call to her.
    “Um, nothing, why do you ask?”
    “Because you have hired a cleaning crew and you are pacing around. So, spill now!”
    “Well-,” she stutters and I know that I am not going to like whatever it is that she is going to tell me. “Mom and Dad are coming on Sunday.”
    “What?” I yell, “You couldn’t have given me longer to prepare for this?”
    “I knew that if I told you, that you would fly back to Boston to not have to deal with them, and I wanted one holiday that we were all together again, you know you haven’t been to a Christmas since before college.”
    “I know, for the last few years I was always busy during Christmas, believe it or not.”
    “I know that you have been, but… I just wanted you here.” She tells me, and how can I be mad at my sister for this.
    “Fine,” I finally say, “But you owe me… a night to relax.” She nods quickly.
    “Tomorrow night. We will all go out.” She says and I wonder if she is going to ask Austin to come out, she hasn’t asked me what happened that day that I worked for him and I haven’t volunteered any information either.
    It’s Saturday night and I am staring at the mirror as I get ready, and all I can think of is trying to impress Austin although he should be the last person I should be trying to impress. I pull out a punk chic styled dress; it’s an all-black extremely short dress, and my makeup is semi-dark to match it. I pull out a pair of flat leather boots and pull them onto my feet, they go up to my knees and lace all the way down, Joe always called them my adventure boots. I like to think of them as my ass kicking boots. I walk downstairs and when Mar sees me her eyes budge.
    “What?” I ask her.
    “This sounds weird because you are my sister, but you look hot.” I can’t help but laugh.
    “Thanks,” we leave the house and start to head downtown to one of the more laid back bars, as we get out I see all of Mar’s friends coming over to greet us. I smile, politely at the rest of them as Toby walks over and I get a glance of him as he kisses Mar and I can’t help but grin at her as he walks away. We walk up to the front of the bar and Mar walks in and we all follow behind her. I hope for my sake that Austin isn’t here tonight.
    But I spot him the moment we walk inside , already in the back corner kissing on some girl. I know that I am torturing myself by even looking at him.
    An hour and a few rounds later we are all sitting around a table talking, and laughing. I can’t help but watch Austin as he gets up from the table and walks across the room. When he reaches the door to the restroom he turns back once and grins when he sees that my eyes are still on him, he looks back into the room as if telling me to come follow him, and I can’t help but look down at the table and smirk . I’m just drunk enough to

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