Fatal Fugue (The Deadlier Sex Book 1)

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Book: Fatal Fugue (The Deadlier Sex Book 1) by Maelani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maelani
    “Ok, ok,” she said, starting to hyperventilate.
    “Hey,” Jay whispered, touching her shoulder. It was painful to look at him, with his cheek torn open and blood pooling beneath him, but she locked eyes with him, and in his gaze he held her, took her in his strong arms and squeezed her tightly. “I’m going to take care of you. It’s just a scratch.”
    Hayley nodded, and for whatever reason, she knew he would. Something told her that this man, rock-hard sex god and trained killer, would die to keep her safe. With the comfort of his words in her ears, she set off at a slow crawl. The old wood floor scraped against her breasts, and twice she felt slivers stabbing their way into her knees. She swallowed down the pain and crawled, inch by careful inch. Now she was hearing sounds outside, sounds other than the desert night. She heard low murmurs in a language she didn’t understand and the sound of bodies moving just outside the cabin. Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit!
    Just stay low and focus on what you’re supposed to do. She finally reached the bathroom—thank god the door was open—and pulled open the under-sink cabinet. Sure enough, there was a big white metal first aid kit. She dragged it out, trying and failing not to let the metal clang on the wood floor. She was backing out of the bathroom when someone grabbed her leg.
    “Ahh!” she started to shriek, but stopped when Jay hushed her.
    “It’s just me,” he said, sliding up into the doorframe by her. There was a bathroom window, but it was made of opaque blocks of thick glass. Jay propped himself up a little. “Okay, I need you to dress this wound as best as you can.”
    “But I can’t see shit, Jay.” The moonlight that filtered through the tiny window was insufficient for the task.
    “Well, you’re just going to have to. Grab a big non-stick dressing and a roll of tape.”
    She did as he said, tearing open the big bandage.
    “All right, stick it right on my face, over the wound, and hold it there.”
    She did, wincing as he grimaced in pain when she applied pressure to the large, fresh laceration. The bandage immediately starting absorbing blood, but it did slow it down. Facial wounds bled so much, even if it was just a small slice. How did she know this? She wasn’t a doctor or nurse. Something told her she knew a lot more about wounds and injuries than she cared to recall.
    “I don’t think this is going to be enough to stop the bleeding, Jay.”
    “It will be fine,” he said, silencing her. “There are no arteries in the cheeks, so we just need to staunch it until it can be sewn up.” As she held the bandage in place, Jay started the tape and wound it around his head and over the bandage twice. “There, that should hold even if it gets soaked. This tape is sticky-ass shit.”
    He looked like a war casualty now, like in the movies. Yet somehow, still sexy as hell.
    “I can hear them right outside the cabin, Jay.”
    “I know. Are you scared?”
    “I am,” she said meekly.
    Jay let out a sigh. “There’s not a single person in Las Vegas I can’t handle on my own.”
    “But a whole group of them?”
    He nodded. “That is the problem. That is the problem,” he mumbled to himself. “Stay here,” he said and slipped back into the bedroom. He came back a moment later with the sweats and shirt they’d picked up for her at a discount shop on the way there and tossed them in her direction. He also gripped a pair of black sweat pants, which he slid onto his muscled legs.
    “It’s only fifty degrees out there, but these will be better than nothing.”
    Hayley nodded, watching with disappointment as he covered up. He was one fine man, and every bit of flesh he exposed she had savored. It had felt so good inside her.
    “Hey,” he whispered, catching her staring. He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. “There’ll be time for more of that later; get those clothes on.” He winked.
    Her face turned scarlet, and she

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