Fast and FURious Bears: BBW Bear Shifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 4)

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Book: Fast and FURious Bears: BBW Bear Shifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 4) by Zola Bird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zola Bird
Tags: Romance, BWWM Paranormal BBW Bear Shifter Romance
him, the two cars inches apart. Going the distance. Going for speed. But only one of them could squeeze past the semi-truck first. Only one could be the winner.
    Tom stared over at Greg.
    Greg glanced over at Tom.
    Too bad, bear. You lose.
    Greg redlined his car. He didn’t care if the engine blew. Another second and a half and he’d have it. He’d squeeze past the semi-truck before Tom. He’d win. But then he saw Amanda. She had stepped into the road, just behind the finish line, holding the flag.
    What are you doing there? Move!
    She needed to get out of there. They continued to grind on, two cars’ widths heading for a single lane. Greg hammered it. But so did Tom. They were going fast. Really fast. If one of them didn’t clear the semi-truck first, they would do more than wreck their cars. People could get hurt. Amanda could get hurt.
    They were neck and neck, facing down the narrow squeeze, but it was too dangerous.
    Somebody had to man up. Somebody had to make the call.
    Greg knew he couldn’t be a part of something like this again. Something had to give and that something was him. Greg tapped the brakes. And in a split second, Tom accelerated ahead of him and entered the single lane before Greg. Greg sprinted to the finish line on Tom’s tail, but Tom crossed the line first.


    By the time Greg got out of his vehicle, Tom was already surrounded by spectators. To the victor went the spoils. But Greg didn’t see Tom as the victor. Not under the circumstances. Not when people’s lives had been at risk. Tom broke free from the crowd.
    “I suppose we won’t be seeing much more of you,” Tom said.
    “The road was too tight. You know it as well as I do.”
    “You’re just a sore loser,” Tom said.
    “And you’re dangerous.”
    “I still won,” Tom said.
    “I suppose you did. But you and I are going to talk,” Greg said quietly through clenched teeth.
    Amanda wormed her way through the crowd. “Let’s get out of here, Greg.”
    “No. He said he wants to talk, we’re going to talk,” Tom said.
    Greg took Tom aside to the forest beyond the road.
    “You endangered Amanda,” Greg said. “She was standing down there.”
    “And for the last time, you lost,” Tom said. “Time to pack your bags.”
    “You could have killed her,” Greg said.
    “Well, I guess I missed this time,” Tom said.
    How dare he be so cavalier.
    Greg felt a rage so intense take possession of him that he was powerless to stop it. He shifted. Greg didn’t care that his bear had welled to the surface with such frightening intensity that he hadn’t even consciously chosen to shift. He could not believe Tom had deliberately endangered his mate.
    Greg’s bear leaped forward as Tom shifted before him. Tom’s bear retreated, backward into the forest, but Greg’s bear was on him within seconds. This was no playful skirmish of frisky cubs. This was war, and Tom was far out of his territory, not to mention a smaller bear. Greg’s bear pounced on him, swiping with his powerful claw. Tom’s bear bit at Greg’s neck, but Greg’s bear responded with another vicious swipe to the head. Tom’s bear was bleeding now. He let out a whimper, but Greg’s bear bit at his rival’s neck, going for the kill…
    Greg thought he heard something in the back of his head.
    Probably just that whiny Beta, Tom, begging for mercy.
    Beg on, Beta. I’m not stopping now. Not after, what you’ve done.
    “Greg, please let him go, this isn’t you.”
    Shut your foul mouth, Beta. You’re dead to me.
    “Greg. Please stop. It’s me, Amanda.”
    And Greg turned, blood on his snout, to see Amanda standing there, tears in her eyes. He lifted his paw, freeing Tom’s bear. Tom’s bear ran into the forest, and in that moment, something in Greg switched over. Without even realizing it, he shifted back to his human form. And Amanda turned away, leaving him standing naked and alone in the

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