
Read Online Famine by John Creasey - Free Book Online

Book: Famine by John Creasey Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Creasey
Tags: Fantasy
in twenty minutes.”
    Palfrey felt his annoyance rising, but fought it back. He took a folded sheet of paper from his pocket and handed it to the politician, who unfolded it at once.
    â€œI’ve sent that to all my offices and agents throughout the world, sir. I would like you to call a meeting of ambassadors – one which I can address – as early as possible. It’s better if you convene the meeting as an unusual diplomatic measure – some of the newspapers will catch on if I do it.” He stopped, while the Prime Minister read his urgent request to Z5. This said:
    Major emergency, Code ZXI. Reason to believe existence of a race of midget men with all human characteristics, apparently living in underground cities, with every modern amenity Stop. These midgets sometimes appear in the guise of rabbits; they might appear as other animals in other places Stop. They are known to attack the throat, puncturing the carotid artery, and by so doing cause death very quickly. They are extremely agile and can leap at least three feet without a running start Stop. They are carnivorous but it is possible they live near cereals ready for harvesting or big grain stores; other food stores may also be vulnerable Stop. A colony which I estimate at five hundred male and female adults and children vanished today after being discovered by accident. They might now be anywhere in Southern England. Reports from Tokyo, the Congo, the United States, China and England indicate they might exist in many parts of the world. The search should be given absolute priority.
    The Prime Minister put the paper down staring blankly at Palfrey, giving the impression that he had not taken in the full significance of what he had read. He rubbed his eyes, as if they were tired.
    â€œI see,” he said at last. He pressed a bell for the detective who stood outside the door, and the man came in at once. “Inspector, will you give my compliments to the deputy leader and tell him I may be further delayed. If I am not back by ten o’clock he must make my speech for me. He has a copy.” He turned to Palfrey. “Is there any danger of this leaking out, Palfrey?”
    Expecting opposition, or at best a diplomatic temporising, Palfrey was conscious of tremendous relief.
    â€œYes, sir. I’ve instructed the Wiltshire Police to talk about an unknown species of rats which might spread disease.”
    â€œGood idea. I’ll arrange for an inspired leak about that, then. Ambassadors being ambassadors, I would say twelve noon tomorrow for drinks before luncheon. Will you make sure I receive any reports as they come in—anything you think I should know?”
    â€œI will indeed, sir.”
    â€œI’ll make a dozen telephone calls, and then try to make that speech on the world food shortage,” the Prime Minister added drily. “Food production is falling behind the population growth, year by year. Any threat to staple foods could be deadly in itself. If we’ve a new form of consumption or wastage—but you know the problem. Good night, Palfrey.”
    He nodded and moved across to a telephone, Palfrey already dismissed from his mind.

Chapter Seven
The Alarming Pathologist
    Palfrey returned to his headquarters in a more relaxed frame of mind than he had known since this affair began. He had learned more about the Prime Minister in ten minutes than in the many hours of previous conversation; here was that truly rare combination, a man of action who could think while he acted. At least there was not likely to be any political obstruction. One factor stood out, moreover; Mason had grasped the implications of the midget men very quickly, and was alarmed.
    Palfrey heard no sound as he passed Joyce’s door. He looked in. She was lying at full length on a couch, back towards him, obviously tired out. He went to his own room and put the finishing touches to his message,

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