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Book: FallingforSharde_MLU by Marilyn Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Lee
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a restless night, Sharde sat in her office going over résumés for systems analysts with Darbi. Darbi had chosen twenty out of the hundred e-resumes for Sharde to give closer consideration.
    She was tired and had trouble focusing. “Who did you say I should take closer looks at again?”
    Darbi sat back in her chair. “You don’t seem very rested or very happy. How did the weekend go... or shouldn’t I ask?”
    Sharde sighed and sipped her coffee. She could hardly admit that she and Jefferson had spent the majority of the weekend having sex. Nor could she confess that she had spent most of the previous night wishing she’d allowed Jefferson to stay with her.
    She frowned. If she couldn’t tell Darbi, who could she tell? She shrugged. “There was no power and that made for chilly nights.” Not that she’d felt much chill wrapped in Jefferson’s arms. “Or it would have... if we hadn’t...”
    “Wasn’t he worth... did he disappoint?”
    “In bed?” Her cheeks burned. “No! But he’s only interested in sex... nothing more.”
    “Are you sure you can’t make that enough?”
    “Yes!” She shook her head. “I thought it might be enough... but making love with him just made me want his love.”
    “And you don’t think that’s possible?”
    She sighed. “I don’t know... I just don’t know. I’ll see what the coming weeks bring. But right now I feel as if I just need a mini vacation to recover from my mini vacation.”
    “Do you regret spending the weekend with him?”
    “No. I might find later that I do, but right now, no.”
    “Then why are you sure sex won’t be enough?”
    “Because I love him and while the sex was great, I need more than that.”
    Darbi sighed. “I think when I’m ready for another relationship, I’m not going to look for or expect love.”
    “I know you’ve been hurt, but surely you’re not giving up on love.”
    “Love hurts and I have no desire to be hurt again. The next time I will be content with a man who’s interested enough to wait for marriage before the sex, who treats me well and excites me physically.”
    Sharde blinked. “Where are you going to find a man willing to wait for marriage before he insists on sex?”
    Darbi shrugged, a smile tugging at her lips. “I have no idea. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling lonely and soooo horny.”
    Their gazes met and locked and they burst into peals of helpless laugher.
    A knock on Sharde’s office door finally silenced their laughter. She wiped tears from her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. “Come in,” she called.
    The door opened and Jefferson walked in. He paused when he saw Darbi. “Am I interrupting?”
    “Ah... well actually Darbi and I are deciding on analysts to ask to come in for interviews. Was there something you needed from either one of us?”
    “Actually, I was hoping for a word with you, Sharde.”
    Darbi gathered her folders and cup and rose. She looked at Sharde. “I need to check on my plans for the trip to L.A. Call me when you’re ready to go over these again.”
    She nodded. “Thanks, Darbi.”
    Darbi nodded at Jefferson. He nodded back, holding the door open for her. He closed it after her, leaning back against it.
    During the night Sharde had decided that the next phase in Operation Seduce Jefferson would be playing hard to get. He’d had a taste of her passion and now she was going to make him want more so badly he’d realize she had more to offer than just sex. She forced herself to meet his gaze. “What’s up?”
    “How are you?”
    “I’m fine. How are you?”
    He raked a hand through his hair. “I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night as you might imagine. What about you?”
    She shrugged, looked him in the eye, and lied. “I had a bath, a sandwich, a glass of wine, and slept all night.”
    “Did you?”
    “I wish I could say the same.”
    She looked down at the printouts on her desk. “Was there something I could do for you?”
    “I want to

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