Falling Into You (Geek to Chic)

Read Online Falling Into You (Geek to Chic) by Nikki Brinks - Free Book Online

Book: Falling Into You (Geek to Chic) by Nikki Brinks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Brinks
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get them into their bed.   He always made an excuse as to why he
couldn’t spend the night, often blaming his work schedule.   This time, with this woman, he wanted to have
her in his bed all night.   Maybe even keep her there… forever.  
    He kissed her
chastely on the cheek.   “No worries,
we’ll figure out a time.   So what do you
think of my office?   I know you were only
there for a little bit today.   On Monday
I will show you around and introduce you, get you settled more. We need to
swing by HR too, get your paperwork and official ID.”   Now he was babbling.  
    Roni giggled
at him. Placing a hand on his shoulder as though to comfort him past his sudden
nervousness. “It is already ten times better than the last place I worked.   You should see the guy I work for now! Wow,
he has a great ass. I may have a difficult time staying focused with a man like
that around.”  
    Derek had to laugh.
“Well, I think your work focus will be fine.   From what I understand your new boss is a bit of an antisocial
workaholic. Sometimes his staff will even go days without actually seeing him,
only receiving mystical emails from him.”   He was going for self-deprecation, however, by the serious look on
Roni’s face he failed.  
    “You seriously
go weeks without talking to your staff, face to face? Well, that is the first
thing that is going to change.   Your new
admin is going to make sure you get out of your office at least once a day to
mingle with the villagers.” Roni said nodding emphatically.
    “Um, yeah that
might scare some people.   It is best if I
stay in my office away from the village.” He was not known for having a winning
personality as a boss.   He preferred to
communicate via email, that way all his thoughts were organized.   Leaving no room to question what he was
asking them to do.   He looked away from
Roni’s penetrating stare.  
    “How do you
manage to get coffee or go to the bathroom without having at least one run in
with your staff? Plus, I saw you talk to staff today when we went into the
    “Well to
answer your first question, I stop at the Starbucks to get my coffee.   And to see a pretty girl I like.” Ok, so he
may be laying it on thick, but he thought it might earn him some points.   “I have a private bathroom in my office. Thus
ending the need to leave my office on most days. As for this morning, that was
unusual.   I am usually there before
everyone and leave after everyone.   Most
of those people who stopped me only needed a signature or to tell me a quick
bit of information.   The staff rarely
sees me, only in meetings.”   Wow, he was
sounding very antisocial.   The truth was
he was antisocial but not to that extent.   He liked to hang out with his friends and sister. Beyond that safe
circle, his old high school insecurities crept in causing anxiety.   Now Derek was nervous, looking at his drink
as though it held the answers to the universe.  
    Once again,
Roni put his nerves to rest.   Placing her
hand over his on the table, “Well, luckily for you, your new admin is quite the
people person.   I am sure she can show
you the ropes and help you get to know your staff.”
    Derek smiled
back at her.   He was simply amazed at how
quickly she put him at ease.   He leaned
in to kiss her.   His blood rushing
south.   His lips met hers gently.   He turned his body more in into hers.   Grabbing her hips, he drew her closer.   Roni ran her slender finger through his hair,
earning a groan of pleasure from him.   Roni moaned in return as his arms rubbed up and down her thighs.   Their tongues dancing together.  
    Just as Derek
was going to whisper that they should go back to his house, her hand slid from
his hair smashing into the plate on the table.   “Son of a bitch.” Roni cried out.   Moving away from her he saw that she had in fact broken the plate with
her hand.   A hand that was now
bleeding.   He grabbed the white

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