Falling From Disgrace
think she could ever properly put into words.  It was the exact precipice of agony and ecstasy, and she wanted more though she couldn’t stand it any longer.  By the time the third one ripped through her she felt as if her limbs had detached themselves from her body and were off floating somewhere in outer space.  The electricity running through her was too much and yet not enough and she screamed out Jack’s names in successive sobs. 
    Jack held his mouth and fingers against Adrianna’s body until she stilled, going limp on the bar.  He tenderly withdrew from her and yet she still winced at the slight movement.  He stared down at her, pretty damn pleased with himself while she kept her eyes closed and struggled to catch her breath.
    “Christ,” she panted, finally opening her eyes to look at him.  “That was unbelievable.”
    “Enjoy that, did you?” he chuckled, offering his hand to help her to a sitting position. 
    Adrianna sat up and fell forward into Jack’s chest, still lightheaded.  She waited until she wasn’t gasping for air and then told him, “Someone should write a book about you.”
    A drianna’s back brought her out of a deep sleep and for a second she didn’t recognize where she was.  Sitting up abruptly and grimacing at the pain, Jack stirred beside her and then she remembered she was in his bed.  She must have fallen asleep after they moved from the bar to up there.
    As she twisted to bring her feet to the floor she whimpered.  Man, was she aching and not in the good way.  Glancing at the clock next to Jack’s bed, she was shocked to see that it was almost five a.m.  Not only had she slept for almost five hours, it had been almost six since she last had a pill.  Adding to her misery, her stomach and head were also now alerting her to the fact that they weren’t happy either.  Adrianna closed her eyes and tried to breathe through the pain.
    Jack woke when he heard Adrianna make a noise of discomfort and he quickly reached over to turn his bedside lamp on.  Squinting in the dim light, he saw Adrianna sitting at the edge of his bed, curled forward, the scar on her back prominently on display.
    Jack had seen and felt the scar before but this was the first time he was getting a close look and he cringed at the severity of it.  It was about a half an inch thick and started right at the base of her spine, disappearing under her curtain of hair.  He knew though, by having touched that part of her, that it ran all the way up her neck to her hairline. 
    When the light came on in the room, Adrianna started, and began searching the floor at her feet for something to cover herself with, ignoring her protesting back in the process.  As she reached down for Jack’s t-shirt, her head started to pound and she had to sit back up before she thought it would explode.
    “Are you okay, Ade?” Jack asked, his voice still thick with sleep. 
    Not trusting her voice, Adrianna only nodded and then inhaled sharply when a shooting pain traveled from the base of her neck down to her tailbone. 
    “No you’re not,” Jack said with worry in his voice.  He moved quickly to sit beside her and put his hand gently on her shoulder.  “You sound like you’re in pain, what’s wrong.”
    Adrianna closed her eyes again and leaned into him, allowing his arm to wrap around her.  She took a few deep breaths before telling him, “I’ll be okay.  Just give me a minute.”
    Jack held her to him, stroking down her arm and kissing the top of her head.  He let her just lean on him, and waited for her to feel better.  He was hoping she would explain the scar to him now, for it was obvious that whatever happened to her back was the cause of her pain.  He was curious about it of course, but he never asked, knowing by her reaction whenever his hands went near it that she was not comfortable talking about it. When she didn’t offer any information he

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