Falling for Heaven (Four Winds)

Read Online Falling for Heaven (Four Winds) by Anne Conley - Free Book Online

Book: Falling for Heaven (Four Winds) by Anne Conley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Conley
flashed her four fingers from behind the bar, where she was stocking supplies, and Heather made her way to room four, where Damien was waiting, with five crisp, one-hundred dollar bills.
                  “Heaven.”  He breathed when she walked through the curtain.
                  “Hello Damien.”  She purred at him, taking off her bra to expose her breasts, before sauntering over to begin her dance.
                  Her hands roamed over his chest and shoulders, as she pulsated her hips in rhythm to the music.  He reached up and rubbed her back, then her stomach.  As his hands crept up to her breasts, filling his hands with her, he asked, “Have you thought about my proposition?”
                  “Yes…”  She made an effort to keep her voice sultry.  “I can’t do it, Damien.  I’m sorry.”  She turned her back to him, and rubbed her backside on his lap, feeling his erection through his pants, rubbing up and down on it.  She felt something on her back, something that wasn’t his fingers.
                  It was cool, and smooth, like his fingers, but the scent came to her through the smell of burnt matches that this man carried everywhere.  She stilled, panic sending ice water coursing through her veins.
                  She tried to keep her voice even through her rising unease.  “You sent the roses.”  He knew where she lived.
                  “Yes, Heaven.”  The way he said her name gave her chills, and not in a good way.
                  She was silent for a while, digesting the information.  She wasn’t sure how to deal with this.  Damien seemed like a cold man.  His smile was cold.  His manner was cold. His skin was cold.  He had made an inappropriate proposition to her, a job which he had absolutely no idea if she was qualified for.  And now she knew that he knew where she lived. 
                  She needed to get away from him, her panicky brain told her to run, get out of this room as fast as she could.  As if reading her mind, his hands came around her, one reaching around her waist, the other around her neck, effectively blocking any escape on her part.
                  "Heaven…"  Damien inhaled her name, his breath next to her ear.
                  "Damien, I'm not comfortable with this.  You need to let go now."
                  "You would be so good for me, Heaven."  Heather had a sudden desire to change her name.  The way he said it, made it sound dirty.  "I've always wanted something good in this world, but I've never been able to have it."
                  Her voice came out a squeak.  "Damien, let go."
                  "You're really too good for me, what with all you do for your family."  His voice was a hushed whisper, that could have been seductive, except the words they spoke sent chills coursing through Heather's body.
                  "What do you know about my family?"  The panic in her gut rose to her throat.  This man was more dangerous than she'd realized. 
                  "I could help with your mother, you know.  I have enough money to put her in Piney Meadows.  We could put her there, where she could get the latest treatments, and we could visit her as often as you'd like, my sweet, sweet Heaven."
                  "Stop it."  She gritted out her teeth, still in his clutches.  She couldn't see his eyes, but she knew they would be cold, glinting orbs.
                  "And your sister…Think of all the fun the three of us could have together."  The lecherous lilt of his voice made Heather shudder.
                  "How do you know all of this?"  She was near tears at the helplessness of her situation.  She danced to help her family, and now her dancing had introduced them to a man that was…evil.  She didn't know how he

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