Falling for Fate

Read Online Falling for Fate by Caisey Quinn - Free Book Online

Book: Falling for Fate by Caisey Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caisey Quinn
Tags: Romance
cannonball through her self-confidence, but she was ready for this. She had to be.
    The morning passed quickly in a blur of motivational speeches, clear, concise presentations on sexual harassment, and a detailed explanation of the company’s ‘no intracompany dating’ policy, before they took a break for lunch.
    Fate stepped away from a group of women discussing going to a local deli. She knew she’d appear rude if they invited her and she turned them down, but she also knew she couldn’t afford a twelve-dollar ham sandwich.
    She’d resigned herself to seeking out a vending machine when Gwen waved her over.
    “Fate, right?”
    She nodded.
    Gwen turned to a young, tan, blond-haired man who looked more like he belonged on the beaches of California than here in New York.
    “Fate, this is Collin Pierson. Mr. Pierson, this is the newest assistant that HR has hired.”
    “Nice to meet you, Mr. Pierson,” Fate said, extending her hand to his. “I look forward to working with you.”
    He grinned and small creases appeared at the corner of warm, brown eyes, making her wonder if maybe he was older than he seemed at first glance. “Nice to meet you too, Miss Buchanan. I’ve seen your résumé and your qualifications. I think you’ll make an excellent addition to our team.”
    “I hope so.”
    “Do you ladies have plans for lunch?”
    Gwen shook her head. “I was hoping someone would order Apollo’s, but I was the only one who wanted Greek food.” Her lower lip thrust out in a pout and Fate didn’t miss how long their boss’s eyes lingered on her mouth. Gwen, however, seemed completely oblivious. Fate wondered how serious the company was about that ‘no dating among coworkers’ clause.
    Mr. Pierson’s eyes gleamed when his gaze met hers and he winked. “You like Greek food, Fate?”
    I like all food, she almost said but thought better of it. She decided to go with, “I’m not a picky eater,” instead.
    “In that case, Gwen, go ahead and order a few of those wraps you like for the entire department. Put them on my account.”
    Gwen grinned like a kid on Christmas. “They’re called gyros,” she said playfully. “See, Fate? We feed our employees. You’re going to love it here.”

“S o she was just…gone? Like Casper the sexy virgin ghost?”
    Dean nodded. After weeks of Dean bailing on parties to walk alone on the beach, Keaton had dragged his ass to lunch at a place called The Grill. Several rounds of beer in it became apparent that his friend also wanted an explanation for his odd-ass behavior.
    “I stepped away for literally less than a minute. When I came back, I couldn’t find her anywhere. And I looked, man. That’s what I’ve been doing. Looking. She’s nowhere to be found. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I imagined the whole fucking thing.”
    Keaton took a long drink of his draft beer. “That’s seriously fucked up, man. And you’re sure she was a virgin?”
    Dean gave his friend a pointed look. He’d felt the barrier break, been flooded with her heat the moment he pushed past it. That definitely wasn’t something he imagined.
    “I’m just saying, it’s nuts. This is the Hamptons. It’s not exactly the kind of place random women appear and get busy with strangers on the beach.”
    “No shit.”
    Keaton was quiet for a moment before a smirk lifted one side of his mouth. “You would be the lucky bastard that got to fuck a supermodel virgin mermaid. I swear, all the good stuff happens to you.”
    Dean sighed while turning his bottle in his hands. “I know it sounds crazy…and you know me, one and done and I’m good. But there was just something about her…”
    Keaton winked at a few women passing by before returning his attention to Dean.
    “Yeah, you keep mentioning that part. So what was it about her? She have a magical mermaid pussy?”
    “My fist and your mouth haven’t hung out in a while, Slade. Keep talking and they’ll get reacquainted in a hurry.”

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