
Read Online Fallen by Stacy Claflin - Free Book Online

Book: Fallen by Stacy Claflin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Claflin
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The man turned around and saw me. His shoulders lowered and he smiled, telling the dog to shut up.
    "Sorry about my dog. Apparently he doesn't get around people enough."
    I looked at the dog, who was growling and snapping now.
    The guy pulled on the leash and yelled at the dog. He apologized to me again.
    "He's just trying to protect his owner," I said, narrowing my eyes.
    His eyes widened and the scent of fear rose up again. I showed him my now-sharp teeth and he dropped the leash, his heart pounding. The dog ran at me and I picked it up, biting into its back. I spit out the foul tasting blood and threw the dog to the side. It yelped and licked a leg that was clearly broken.
    "What are you?"
    "The thing that nightmares are made of," I said as I watched the vein in his neck pulse up and down. I looked deep into his eyes and watched as the reality of the situation washed over his face.
    "No…please," he begged. "I have a family—people that love me. I'll do anything, please."
    I stopped. Tanner's face flashed in my mind when he said that people loved him. If anyone loved this guy even close to the way that I felt about Tanner, I couldn't do it. I felt my fangs retract. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close, staring into his eyes until they shrank. "You never saw me. Your dog was hit by a car. Capisce ?"
    He nodded. "I never saw you and my dog was hit by a car."
    "Good," I said, shoving him away from me. "Leave my sight."
    He took one more look at me, picked up his dog and then ran off. I was about to start running myself when I heard laughing. I turned toward the forest and saw Danny watching me, nearly doubled over in laughter.
    I folded my arms. "Enjoying yourself?"
    Standing up, he said, "Immensely. Looks like that human boy is making you weak. Who would have thought you would ever let a human go? That's not like the Samantha that everyone knows and fears."
    "Shut it."
    He took a deep breath. "It smells like you really like that school boy too. You'd best find someone to snack on to get rid of that scent. Vince isn't going like that."
    "I said shut it, Danny. What's it going to take to keep you quiet about this?"
    "Forget about that indiscretion that you've been hanging over my head for the last decade."
    He had killed one of Vince's relatives and I'd been using it to get anything I needed from him ever since.
    I thought about it. "Deal. I was getting bored with that anyway," I lied.
    "Finally," he said, looking relieved. "Vince was afraid that you didn't get his message so he sent me to make sure that you go it."
    "You can see that I got it. I'm on my way back."
    "Want some company?"
    "Not if you're referring to yourself. You can run along ahead and report that I'll be meeting Vince for dinner as requested."
    He smirked and then ran off without a word. Next time I would have to remember to text Vince back so that I wouldn't have to deal with one of his annoying sidekicks.
    I took my time getting back, managing to find someone to feed on without feeling guilty. I drank just enough to cover Tanner's scent and then made her forget about our encounter. When I did finally arrive at Vince's mansion, I didn't spend all that much time getting ready. Usually I went all out getting ready to see Vince, but I just didn't have it in me. My mind was back in Delphic Cove with Tanner.
    When I got to Vince's room, he opened the door before I could knock. He looked me over as though I looked as good as usual. "You're a sight for sore eyes, as always. I like the toned down look. You have a natural beauty that you don't let anyone see often enough."
    I leaned against the doorway. "So did you have fun sending your spies?"
    "Spies? I only sent Danny a few times."
    A few times? He must have avoided my detection at least once. Anyone who was smart feared me as much as they feared Vince.
    "Are you ready for dinner? I had the staff cook your favorite."
    I raised an eyebrow. I didn't think that he even knew what my favorite was.
    Vince laughed.

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