
Read Online Fallen by Leslie Tentler - Free Book Online

Book: Fallen by Leslie Tentler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Tentler
warrant together for the Purvis Street property.
    “What about Nate’s cell?”
    “No one in his personal contacts or call log stood out.” Tiredly, Ryan massaged the back of his neck. It had been a long day, beginning with more fruitless visits to Nate’s prior arrests. He’d also made a court appearance for another case before driving to the cemetery. Nate had been buried on a verdant hillside, the tranquil resting place a contradiction to his brutal death. Ryan hoped he was at peace.
    Finishing his beer, Adam indicated the lukewarm one Ryan held. “I’ve got a dead soldier here. I’m going for another. Want one?”
    “No, thanks.” He didn’t feel much like drinking. As Adam worked his way toward the bar, Ryan scanned the crowded room. Mateo had departed a short time earlier, but most of the other detectives from their precinct were still here.
    Lydia hadn’t come by.
    He tamped down his disappointment and moved to an alcove to check his voice mail. As he finished listening to several messages, including one he chose to ignore from a reporter, a gruff male drawl reached him over the barroom noise. It was impossible not to overhear.
    “C’mon, babe. You too good for me or something?”
    A young, blunt-faced cop from Ryan’s precinct, Seth Kimmel had been sitting at one of the more unruly tables near the restrooms. Molly had been waiting on them, and although Ryan didn’t know what had transpired, Seth had apparently gotten up and followed her from the table.
    He gripped her arm, stopping her.
    “I’m just foolin’ around with you. Lighten up—”
    Wringing free, Molly retreated into the corridor that led to the kitchen. Seth went after her, encouraged by the hoots and catcalls coming from the cops at his table. With an inward sigh, Ryan placed his bottle on a nearby display case that held framed police photos and mementos. He’d never liked Seth, who was a walking cliché of the over-muscled cop with an attitude, and the rough way he’d grabbed the waitress bothered him. He felt duty-bound to follow.
    Shouldering his way through a group cloistered in front of one of the bar’s flat-screen televisions, he turned into the exposed-brick hallway. Seth had Molly cornered, his arm braced against the wall at her shoulder. He moved each time she did, blocking her escape.
    “Leave me alone, Seth—”
    “Just give me a chance, Mol.” He leaned closer, sliding a hand onto her waist.
    “ I mean it .” She pushed at him.
    “You heard her,” Ryan said, making his presence known.
    Seth slid him an annoyed glance. “Relax, Detective. We’re just having a private chat.” Undeterred, he returned his attention to Molly.
    Ryan approached and laid a firm hand on his shoulder. “Give it a rest, Kimmel, all right? She said to back off—”
    Seth’s temper exploded. Knocking away Ryan’s hand, he shoved him back a step. Ryan shoved in return. The cop took a wild swing at him, barely missing his jaw, but Ryan grabbed the man’s extended arm and with a sudden, hard twist, pinned it behind him, putting pressure on his elbow and hoisting him face-first to the wall. Seth struggled and spewed curses. He was a big guy—larger than Ryan—but the uncomfortable position his arm was in and Ryan’s body weight bearing down on it restricted his movement.
    “Go back to your table or leave. I don’t give a damn which,” Ryan ordered, irritated. He let go and took a step back.
    Seth wheeled, his face beet-red under his bristled crew cut, ready to fight. But the arrival of others who had heard the commotion—Adam and Darnell included—kept the confrontation from getting more physical. Breathing hard, Seth pointed a finger. “Watch your goddamn back, Winter.”
    “Bitch,” he spat at Molly before pushing through the men and stalking away.
    Darnell gave a low whistle as he stared after him. “Damn. Is Kimmel drunk?”
    “I’m going with just stupid.” Ryan couldn’t believe he’d actually thrown a punch at him.

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