Fall For You [The Jane Austen Academy Series #1]

Read Online Fall For You [The Jane Austen Academy Series #1] by Cecelia Gray - Free Book Online

Book: Fall For You [The Jane Austen Academy Series #1] by Cecelia Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cecelia Gray
Tags: General Fiction
everyone is writing a feature this year, and this issue is too important not to cover every angle from multiple points of view. I also want four opinion pieces instead of the usual two. We have to do pro/con from the female and male perspectives. You’ll see those assignments in the notes.”
    Another hand. “Aren’t we forgetting something?”
    “What?” Lizzie asked.
    “What do the old owners think about this?”
    Everyone turned pointedly to Anne.
    “We haven’t forgotten,” Lizzie said. “But I think Anne is the best person to cover that, don’t you?”
    “I am?” Anne asked. “Is this why you asked me here? But…I’m not even really in Journalism.”
    “Then let’s make it official.” Lizzie pulled out an elective transfer slip and pushed it across the counter to her.
    “Are you sure?” Anne asked. “I mean, I know how seriously you take the Gazette .”
    “As seriously as you take this Academy.”
    They shared a smile and Anne signed the transfer. There were nods and murmurs of approval as the door creaked open. Georgiana popped in her head sheepishly.
    “Come on,” Lizzie waved her in. “We were just discussing how to cover last night’s announcement of the Academy name change by Headmistress Berg. I need woman-on-the-street interviews. Are you in?”
    “What would that mean?” Georgiana asked, taking a nearby seat.
    “It means you approach a random and hopefully representative cross-section of students. In the hallways. In class. In the cafeteria. Ask them what they think of the name change. Whether they’re for it or against it, and why.”
    “Are you sure?” she asked, batting her blue eyes which, annoyingly, reminded Lizzie of Dante. “I mean—are you sure that should be me?”
    “Definitely.” Lizzie forced herself to forget Dante and focus on the assignment at hand. “You’re a transfer. You don’t have any preconceived notions about the Academy and are our least biased interview in this regard. You’ll elicit the most honest opinions.”
    “Oh—thank you,” she said, blushing.
    “Now, everyone get to work. I want opening copy in my inbox by tomorrow.”
    The room erupted into chaos as everyone fought for access to the computers. Lizzie pulled her chair up to Anne’s.
    “You okay?” Anne asked.
    “What about you? Are you okay?” Lizzie returned. “I can’t imagine—this is your school.”
    “Not anymore.”
    “It’s still our school,” Lizzie said. “And that doesn’t change just because some new owner bought it. We need to get to the bottom of who these owners are. There must be records we could access. Someone who isn’t Bergie that knows something. Are you sure your dad doesn’t know?”
    “Not a clue,” Anne promised. “I begged, I pleaded, trust me.”
    Lizzie blew out a frustrated breath. Just last week everything had seemed perfect. Now her school was being sold out from under her and she and Ellie were on shaky terms. Not bad terms. Not fighting. Just…not close, which was worse. They’d had some knock-down drag-out fights before, but they also made up. Here, there was almost nothing to make up for.
    The door opened and Dante stuck his head in. She hated that she felt herself straightening her posture, smoothing back her hair.
    There was another problem.
    Even with everything going on with Jasta and Bergie, she couldn’t stop playing his conversation with Rick in her head. The one where he’d said he wasn’t interested in anyone, especially not her.
    Why not?
    And then there was that strange look he’d given her after she’d argued with him about Georgiana. And how he’d kept staring at her through the night of the dance.
    She should feel like she’d had her moment. She should be done thinking about Dante, but she wasn’t.
    Dante gave her a nod and she looked over to Georgiana, who was bent over a keyboard. She was not going to let him bully her out of class.
    Instead of looking to Georgiana, though, he held open the door for someone

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