Fall Black In Love 1: When Henry Met Millie

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Book: Fall Black In Love 1: When Henry Met Millie by D. Camille Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Camille
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the bat then watched the ball sail across the field and land outside the park. She turned back to his smiling face. “That’s how you concentrate and hit the ball,” he bragged.
    Millie frowned. “Get the ball Henry!”
      He laughed and jogged out to where the ball had landed. When he returned he could see the fire in her eyes. “You think you can hit it now?” he asked standing on the mound.
    She got into her stance. “Pitch the ball,” she gritted out.
      Two pitches later, Millie got her first hit on Henry’s ball. She flipped her bat in the air and screamed. “Yesssss!” Henry got the ball and came back to the mound.
      “Can you do it again though?” he taunted.
      “Pitch the ball country boy!”
    Henry nodded. “Yes ma’am.”
      By the time they were done, Millie had been able to hit more of his pitches than not. He joined her at the plate handing her the ball. “Good job Millie.”
    “Thank you. I’m so tired. You tried to kill me,” she complained wiping her brow.
    He smiled. “You’ll thank me after the game.”
      “We’ll see,” she told him. “I’m going to be so mad at you if I strike out.”
    Henry put an arm around her shoulders. “Honey is going to destroy that pitcher.”
    “Honey is ready to fall out,” she said pouting.
    Henry easily lifted her into his arms with her holding the bat and ball. “Henry!” she laughed.
      “Come on pretty woman, let me take your tired self to the car.”
    Millie held on and placed her head on his shoulder. “Thank you Henry.”
      At the vehicle, they both climbed inside and Millie sat back and closed her eyes as Henry drove. He pulled up to the White Castle restaurant then turned to Millie who’d fallen asleep. Shaking his head, he went inside and returned with bags of food. Henry drove to her house without her stirring.
      Millie had been lulled to sleep by the smooth motion of the car. Her nose inhaled a scent that made her stomach awaken. She opened her eyes as Henry parked in front of her house. Groggily she looked around.
      “I’m home?” she asked wiping her eyes.
    Henry turned to her. “Yes ma’am. You’re the sleepy head this time.”
      “I had to swing at fifty pitches in a row. That’s tiring.”
      “For a girl,” Henry teased.
    Millie wrinkled her nose at him, then smelled food again. “What’s that smell?”
    He nodded towards the back seat. “I stopped and got us some food.”
      She smiled as he grabbed the bags and brought them to the front. He also grabbed a carrier with two drinks. “I got you a milkshake too.”
      “Strawberry?” she asked hopefully.
      He nodded. “I took a wild guess that’s what you’d like.” Henry handed her the drink and she took a long draw on the straw.
      “Oh, Henry…mmmmmmm.” She took another long sip and he watched her. “This is sooooo good.”
    He reached into the bag and handed her some of the aromatic little cheeseburgers.
      “I love these,” she commented taking a bite.
      They enjoyed the burgers, fries and milkshakes while the radio played. Millie looked at him from behind her drink. “How was your first day back at work?”
    Henry finished his burger and looked at her. “Basically it was the same. No problems.”
      “Good,” she smiled and went back to her food.
      “I’m looking forward to our date,” Henry told her quietly.
    Millie paused. “I am too.”
      “Is there anywhere in particular that you’d like to go?”
    She shook her head shyly. “Wherever you take me is fine.”
      “I want it to be nice for you,” he said putting his drink aside.
      “It will be,” Millie said assuredly.
    He touched her face. “It will be for me too Millie. Something that I’ll never forget.”
    She blushed. “You know how to make a girl feel special.”
      “I know when a girl is special,” he corrected.
      The pair finished the food and drinks then sat listening to the crooning through the radio as the sun began to lower

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