Faith (My Misery Muse)

Read Online Faith (My Misery Muse) by B. Betzold - Free Book Online

Book: Faith (My Misery Muse) by B. Betzold Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. Betzold
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance, rockstar romance, tattoos, rockstars, my misery muse
she was
    “You okay, honey?”
    She nodded her head, so I continued. I slowly
pulled her shorts down her legs, running the back of my hands down
her legs with them, which caused her to tremble. When they were
finally off, I tossed them somewhere, started at her ankle and ran
my tongue from ankle to knee, as slowly as I could manage. Damn,
she tasted good. I ran my nose across the back of her knee and she
whimpered. I liked her reaction so I did the same to the other only
this time continuing up her thigh and stopping at her panties.
    “We’re going to have to do something about
these, baby, they’re in the way,” I told her when I grabbed ahold
of the string that was holding them together on one side and
snapped it, then repeated it with the other side.
    “That’s better,” I murmured and then ran my
tongue across the sensitive skin where the hips meet her body.
    “You okay, baby?”
    “Yes,” she murmured her eyes closed and she
was panting.
    I went back to her soft skin running my nose
through the small amount of hair she had there. “This is sexy,
    I ran my tongue down the slit and she jolted.
“Honey, you gotta stay still,” I told her then laid an arm across
her waist.
    “You ready, baby?” she grunted in response, I
guess that’s a yes.
    I ran my tongue across the seam of her lips
again but this time kept her on the bed. I pushed further in the
next time, but not fully parting her.
    “Damn it, Drake, stop teasing.”
    “Ah honey, I just don’t want to rush
    She huffed out a breath then threw her arm
over her eyes. I laughed, then put my attention back to where it
was needed. I ran my tongue across her seam one more time before
taking my thumb and forefinger and parting the tender flesh. She
was pink and flushed; her clit was a hard little bundle. I ran my
tongue through her parted flesh but ignored her clit for the
moment. She tasted so good a little sweet, a little salty but
completely like heaven.
    I ran my tongue down to her opening and
around and around until I felt her fighting my arm that was holding
her down, I stopped what I was doing. “Something wrong, baby?”
    “Just do it already.”
    “What do you want me to do, baby?” I
    “You know what?”
    “No, Mags if you want something you’re going
to have to tell me.” Then I went back to torturing her with my
    “Damn it, Drake, suck my clit.”
    I stopped what I was doing and looked up at
her. “You only have to ask, baby.” Then I went back to work,
ignoring her clit for a moment. I let go of her waist and slipped a
finger inside her, feeling around her inner walls looking for that
spot—ah right there—I added another finger then crooked them just
right, and she gasped, I found it. I continued to rub that spot
then sucked her clit into my mouth and sucked hard, she screamed
then convulsed around my fingers. I let up on her clit just licking
it gently as she came down from her orgasm.
    I pulled my fingers from her body and sucked
them into my mouth to get all her cream off them. Damn, I loved the
taste of her, her nostrils flared as she watched me do that. “Do
you like your taste, Mags?”
    She didn’t answer me so I reached down and
swiped some of her cream on my fingers then brought it up to her
mouth, and painted her lips with my fingers. “I love the way you
taste, honey,” I told her before kissing her hard, licking her lips
then thrusting my tongue into her mouth sharing her taste.
    “See you taste like heaven, honey,” I
murmured against her lips, and she moaned in response.
    I stood from the bed quickly and stripped my
shirt off, then went for the buttons of my jeans and had them off
quickly as well. After grabbing a condom from my wallet and quickly
putting it on, I got back in bed with Mags, lying on top of her but
taking most of my weight with my forearms.
    “You are gorgeous, baby,” I whispered then
lined myself up with her and pushed in

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