Fade to Black (The Black Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: Fade to Black (The Black Trilogy Book 1) by MC Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: MC Webb
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well feel however he wanted, because he’d earned that with me. I enjoyed being with him and hearing about other places in the world he wanted to visit someday. He was so open-minded and God-fearing, two qualities that sometimes clashed in our small country town, but for Matthew it only added to his appeal. He was also more responsible than most adults. He came over and studied the Bible with Papaw at least once a week. Matthew was the ideal son, friend, brother, and with a pang of the deepest regret, I knew he would be an ideal husband for some pretty and clean girl as well.
    Over a year had passed since Matthew had found me, and I would be fourteen in February. I was not blind to the fact he was gorgeous, and my darkness would fade slightly when he was around. Not that any boy would ever have me, I was convinced. I was dirty and spoiled, and Matthew would marry a girl as clean as he was. The thought of it sent ice through me. I hated Daniel for ruining me. I secretly wished I could kill him all over again.
    I rode home sad at this thought, the last day before Christmas break. We three rode silently, bouncing our way down the holler road, heading home. I leapt from the truck when Josh let me out, as I always rode in the middle of the bench seat. With a low “Thank you, and see you later,” I walked as quickly as I could to my front door.
    I guess they said goodbye, but I wasn’t sure, I was too emotional at that point and needed to get away before I started crying. Josh and Matthew both knew I was weird, so I never bothered to explain my sudden shifts in moods.
    I wore my pain and darkness like a coat on the coldest of winter days. I wanted to shut myself in my room and lock myself away from everyone, so I couldn’t contaminate them. As Daniel had said, nobody would ever want me. It was a sad fact, and I might as well get used to it fast.
    When I walked in the front door, I was brought up short by someone screaming. I dropped my bag, and ran through the kitchen, following the sounds. I had long since moved to my dad’s old room upstairs, on the second of the three floors. Judging by the noise, the birthing room was back in business.
    I stopped outside the door to listen like I always did when someone was about to enter the world, and take his or her first breath. I always waited anxiously for that tiny cry. Nana surprised me when she called from the other side of the closed door.
    “Piper? Love? Is that you?” she called sweetly.
    I didn’t want to be heard. I figured I would have to leave and give the mother privacy, but then again, it sounded like Nana might need something. I decided to answer.
    “Yes, Nana?”
    I heard low talking and then the door opened, causing me to jump about three feet.
    “Come in and give me a hand, will you?” Nana said, and I stood shocked. I’d never been allowed in the room before, not while a baby was coming. I’d heard dozens through the door, but never been inside, not for a birth.
    Nana sat down on a rolling stool, and I stood in the doorway, unable to understand what I was seeing. A woman lay with her feet in the air on the hospital bed that normally was folded in half, tucked away in the corner of the room. The bottom of the bed had been removed and stirrups held her legs apart and in place. The woman was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
    “Come now, dear, you’re nearly there, Just a bit longer, and he’ll be here. Piper?” she said, not looking at me “Come in, and shut the door, please.”
    I moved woodenly, not knowing if I wanted to be there or not. Once the door was shut, Nana motioned for me to stand next to her. The woman on the bed tossed her head back, heaving. I suddenly realized she was not a woman at all, but a girl, not much older than I was. Her skin was perfectly tanned in the middle of December, and her jet black was a shade darker than Matthews. Even in the middle of giving birth, I knew this was one of the most beautiful girls

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