Eyes Wide Open

Read Online Eyes Wide Open by Lucy Felthouse - Free Book Online

Book: Eyes Wide Open by Lucy Felthouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Felthouse
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
to her room for a few minutes and sort herself out.
    Pressing the button for the elevator, she then swiped through some of the photos she’d taken on the tablet as she waited for it to arrive. A couple of minutes later, the car arrived with a ping and a swish of doors. Stepping in, she pressed the number for her floor and moved back. Just as the doors began closing, she realized that the table the two men had been sitting at was visible from her position.
    They were still there, and she was glad no one could see or hear her reaction as she looked at them, only to find two pairs of very arresting eyes looking right back at her—with interest.
    And, if she wasn’t mistaken, as her view of them grew narrower and narrower until only a sliver was left, Blue Eyes flashed her a positively wicked grin just before he disappeared altogether.
    Clinging onto the brass handrail behind her to steady herself, Fiona willed herself to get a grip. She’d been having a really good day, right up until those two had somehow awakened her hormones and made her bloody fruit juice go down wrong. And the way they’d clearly been watching her…and that smile! Shaking her head, she wanted desperately to believe that they were some kind of dodgy perverts who frequented hotel restaurants to prey on lone young women, but common sense and cold hard facts told her that wasn’t the case.
    For one, what had they done? Offered help, and concern. That was all. What had they gained? Nothing, except maybe peace of mind in knowing that she was okay. Her tablet and phone were still in her possession, so they weren’t thieves. Dodgy folk didn’t spend time in the Totally Five Star. It just didn’t happen.
    So if they weren’t dodgy perverts and were just two relatively young businessmen, why had they been watching her like that? Their expressions, the looks in their eyes indicated something altogether different from innocent concern for her wellbeing. The smile Blue Eyes had thrown her had been nothing short of sinful. Lustful, even. One Lucifer himself would have been proud of.
    God, was it possible that they…found her attractive? She wasn’t the sort of girl who had no self-confidence and thought nobody would ever like her in that way—though, admittedly, Gary’s admission had pulled the proverbial rug out from under her—but guys like those two were way out of her league. Yes, she’d gone up in the world from a horrid flat and a crap job, but she wasn’t rich, famous, royal, or cultured. She didn’t have friends in high places or rare skills that were sought after.
    She was just an ordinary girl from Birmingham, a PR assistant in a world-famous luxury hotel. They were clearly very successful businessmen with their whole lives ahead of them to become even more successful. They could date princesses, models, actresses… In fact, looking like they did, they could date anyone they damn well pleased.
    So why the hell had they been looking at her like that? There had to be something she was missing. There just had to be. One of them looking at her would have been weird enough. But both of them? That was just plain freakish and confusing.
    The lift opened at her floor and she scurried out, heading for her room. She’d get her face and hair sorted out, then head back to the office and get stuck back into her work. Wondering about motives for other people’s behavior was a waste of time—especially, she realized, as a virtual light bulb popped up over her head, since the answer was so bloody obvious.
    Of course! Blue Eyes and Green Eyes had been drunk. It was the only feasible explanation. They’d indulged in a liquid lunch. Over indulged.
    Heaving a sigh of relief, she let herself into her room and dove for her makeup box. Time to get freshened up, face the world again and forget about the unfortunate incident in the restaurant once and for all.

Chapter Nine
    Entering the upstairs bar of the Totally Five Star, Fiona looked around for

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