Experiment in Terror 09 Dust to Dust

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Book: Experiment in Terror 09 Dust to Dust by Karina Halle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Halle
glass office building opposite us.
This is not anywhere. You will find no one here except poor souls like me.
    Suddenly the man started walking down the stairs toward me and while my attention was on his body, the cockroaches began to crawl up my legs. I shuddered and shrieked, swatting at them in automatic horror.
    The man was sprinting now, yelling out in pain as I managed to knock the cockroaches to the ground and leap backwards out of the way. They reared up on their back legs and waved sharp incisors at me, ready to take a bite.
    I screamed again as they came for me and turned quickly on my heel. I ran as fast I could through the grey streets, hearing his footsteps after me and the scratching sound of the insect legs as they scraped over the concrete.
    Thankfully I didn’t have to run for too long before the man and his eyeballs seemed to give up the chase. It didn’t make me feel any better – if something like him was here, then what else was? But at least I was out of immediate danger.
    Unfortunately I was no better off than before. The man had never heard of Pippa, and even if he had, he wasn’t about to help me find her. Perhaps I should have struck some kind of bargain with him – you help me and then I’ll help you. But who knew what would happen if I brought that monstrosity back to the other side with me. Probably not a lot of good.
    I stopped and looked around. Something about the place was familiar, though I didn’t know how. Just a feeling I had. I looked around at the buildings, down the empty street, wondering why buildings were here but cars were not.
    Out of the corner of my eye something was moving. I cautiously turned my head and saw a black, hairy spider the size of a fucking cat crawl behind a row of stairs, its solid body and foot-long legs disappearing one by one.
Forget the noseless man with the eyeball roaches – a spider the size of a cat was another thing entirely. My whole body immediately went numb with terror and I stood there for a long time, waiting for it to come back out, debating if I should turn around and head the other way.
    But something was compelling me to keep walking forward and when I noticed the air starting to fill with fluttering snowflakes, I knew what it was. Where I was.
    The Brooklyn Bridge was just around the corner.
    I gathered up what strength I had and tried to shake the cold flakes off my shoulders. Taking in a deep breath, I walked as briskly and as quietly as possible past the area where the spider had disappeared.
    I had to look, of course, as I walked past. I only saw shadows and in those shadows, the sickly gleam of hundreds of eyes clumped together, shining like quarters as they watched me pass.
    My heart skipped a nervous beat but I kept going, feeling those spider eyes trail up and down my back like I was being poked by spindly legs. Now I was shivering nonstop, from the falling snow and that icky sense of doom you get when you walk through a spider web. Just multiple that feeling by, oh, a million.
    I don’t know why I was drawn to the bridge, other than the fact that I’d seen it a million times in my dreams. Maybe, in the real world, we should have gone there right away. I wasn’t sure what I’d find here, in the Veil.
    Unless Dex was in here, with me.
    At that thought, my pace quickened and soon I had lapsed into a slow jog. As I passed by the lampposts they all started turning on, as if they were leading the way to him. I started to feel that danger notion of hope grow in the pit of my stomach and I ran faster and faster. I ignored the things that could have been hiding in the shadows. I kept my focus dead ahead.
    As I passed by city hall, I could see the bridge was deserted and the pedestrian walkway was covered with a thin layer of snow. I slid a little as the path turned from pavement to wood slats but kept on going.
    I was about halfway across the bridge, Brooklyn looming in the distance, when the air in front of me began to

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