Expecting the Cowboy's Baby

Read Online Expecting the Cowboy's Baby by Charlene Sands - Free Book Online

Book: Expecting the Cowboy's Baby by Charlene Sands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Sands
was feeling right now, great being an incredible understatement. But their lovemaking had been so much more, too much for Cassie to start analyzing now. She’d done enough analyzing in her lifetime. Tonight she wanted to relish being in Jake’s arms, relish what had just happened between them, without worry, condemnations or fear.
    Jake lay behind her, holding her in a warm embrace. She heard him take a deep breath then let it out slowly. “I want to stay the night, honey.”
    It was a question, not a demand. And she knew the implication. Jake wanted to make love to her again. The thought warmed her heart and thrilled her, as well. She was powerless to deny him anything tonight. She’d have to face leaving him in the morning, but that was hours away. For tonight she’d grant herself this time alone with him.
    Together they’d make a memory to last her a lifetime.
    Streaming sunlight cast a glow in the room, a yellow hue of color and warmth that brought Cassie up from her bed. Hazy, she opened her eyes slowly, yawned and lifted her arms up over her head in a fully extended stretch. Peering to her side, she noted Jake was gone. She lifted his pillow and breathed in his scent, remnants of his spicy aftershaveremained, reminding her of the night they’d shared making love.
    Cassie closed her eyes as emotions ran deep. She knew her instincts had been right in not trusting herself with Jake. Last night had been a mistake, but ironically she had no regrets. How could she when every cell in her body rejoiced and every tiny ache she felt was an instant reminder of what they’d shared. With her permission, Jake had ravaged her, thrilling her at every turn, making all her fantasies come true. But Jake was gone now. It came as no surprise. They’d made no commitment to each other. Both knew their lives were separate, their dreams different and their futures had no chance of entwining. Yet neither had been strong enough to hold back, to do the sensible thing, to step away from each other. They’d shared one incredible, memorable night that she vowed to neither forget nor regret.
    Cassie rose from the bed, stretched again, working out kinks, and wandered into the bathroom. She needed a long, hot shower before she made the trek back to Los Angeles. With the wedding over and Brian and Alicia on their honeymoon, Cassie could concentrate on her own plans. She had a new job waiting for her and all that went along with relocating to a new place. She’d put all her efforts in that and try to get past the amazing weekend she’d spent with Jake Griffin.
    She looked into the mirror and gasped, startled, not by her image, but what was written across the mirror in bold red lipstick, her lipstick. “Come to the rodeo today.”
    Cassie’s mouth dropped open. She wasn’t expecting this, not at all. She’d slept in his arms throughout the night, being held in his tight embrace, but he hadn’t once brought up the future, the very near future. He hadn’t spoken about today, of saying a last goodbye.
    She’d resigned herself to leaving Jake and this weekendbehind her. But those words, so simple yet so compelling, stirred her heart. To see Jake one more time. To see him do what he does best, well…maybe what he does second best, she thought wryly, would be too great a temptation to resist.
    It would be a mistake to go. She thought of a dozen reasons why it wouldn’t be wise to see her cowboy in action. It would be better just to end it here and now. The sensible thing to do would be to check out of the hotel, get into her car and drive five hours southwest to Los Angeles without looking back.
    She stared once again at the lipstick staining the mirror as sensations ripped through her, quick flashes of this weekend and how Jake had been there for her every time she seemed to need him.
    Like a white knight.
    â€œâ€˜Come to the rodeo

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