functions, solemnly followed the procession. Many
whisperings of Gabriel's name could be heard throughout the room
as the angels saw the archangel enter the room. Since he only
attended very important assemblies, this could only mean some-
thing very significant was about to be revealed.
Lucifer watched as the Elders seated themselves one by one
until only Gabriel was standing. He then climbed the platform
steps, carrying a large, white scroll that the Chief Elder had hand-
ed to him previously. The recently confirmed golden sheath carry-
ing his sword of office shimmered as he mounted the steps.
All eyes were upon Gabriel as he prepared to read from the
golden scroll. Generally the Chief Elder read the proclamations at
these gatherings, but since Gabriel was reading, this must be some-
thing truly grand! With great ceremony, he broke the seal on the
scroll and began unrolling it. Lucifer cocked his head forward,
keenly interested. Gabriel began reading...
The labyrinthine passages of the Great Library that led to the
private rooms of the ranking wisdom angels who taught at the
Academy were something that Michael had always wanted to see.
They were off-limits while he was attending, though he and Gabriel
and some of the others had thought up some never-used schemes
to gain entry. Now he was accompanying the greatest teacher at the
Academy down these very halls to discuss something dark and
50 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
brooding. He could not help but wonder if somehow Lucifer fit into
all of this, and meant to bring his name up at first opportunity.
They arrived at Crispin's chambers and entered.
"Here we are, Michael," said Crispin. "The sanctorum, as it
Michael was not surprised to find that everywhere he looked
were stacks and stacks of books. From the top of the room to the
floor were volumes on every subject in Heaven. Crispin noticed
Michael gawking at the enormous number of books that lined
every wall.
"Don't be too impressed, Michael," he said. "They belong to
the Library. I'm just borrowing them. Better make a note to myself
to return them sometime. Here, have a seat," he said, clearing a
chair in front of his desk which was piled high with books. Michael
sat down and Crispin began.
"Now, before we get into any of this let me say that though I
may mention some important names, I have no real evidence to
either vindicate or nullify my thoughts. By that I mean there is no
clear picture of any of this. It's really bits and pieces--but they
begin to add up as one takes them as a whole. And remember: In
the history of this Kingdom since its creation there has never been
an incident where an angel rebelled against the Lord. So, what I'm
telling you is that I am accusing no angel of any crime against the
Lord. You understand what I'm saying."
"Yes," said Michael. "Of course."
"Good. Then let me begin by giving you a little background as
to what has been happening in recent times, since you and your
group left the Academy. As you know, the Lord devised the Academy
of the Host as an instructional ministry to all angels--particularly
those angels who showed the greatest promise in their areas of gift-
ing. Not all angels are going to become archangels, any more than
all angels can become teachers. The Lord knew this when He creat-
ed us, and so he developed this school as a place where the skills of
all angels could be sharpened. As to those angels who don't excel
as some others do, they are not looked down upon by the Lord at
all. They are simply given other tasks to perform. But remember,
"Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 51
the greatest task any angel can perform is to glorify God in his
duties, however great or humble." Crispin said these last words
with an impassioned resolve.
"After the Academy was set up a number of wisdom angels
were selected to become the instructors, of which I was one. Ours
was a very important ministry and one we did not take
Victoria Holt
Amanda Coe
Bill Johnston Witold Gombrowicz
Jean Kilczer
Ron Roy
Stewart Meyer
Emily Brant
Kit Tunstall, Kit Fawkes
Sasha Cain
C. J. Cherryh