
Read Online Evocation by William Vitelli - Free Book Online

Book: Evocation by William Vitelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Vitelli
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turned his attention back to Eileen. His fingers spread her open. “The subject is now lubricating very heavily and appears to be in a heightened state of sexual arousal.”
    Eileen felt the cold touch of metal penetrating her. She closed her eyes and whimpered softly as it opened her wide.
    “The subject shows signs of significant recent sexual activity.” His fingers probed her, found a tender spot. She gasped. “There is minor vaginal bruising consistent with rough sexual intercourse.” His fingers stroked the tender place inside her. Shock waves of pleasure rippled out from that spot. Unconsciously, she tried to tilt her hips against his fingers, her body seeking more, but the straps held her firmly in place.
    “Were you penetrated both vaginally and anally at the same time during this unwanted forcible sexual encounter?”
    “Were you penetrated orally, vaginally, and anally at the same time?”
    “Yes.” A quick hot flash of desire flared inside her at the memory.
    “During these instances of multiple penetration, did you experience sexual gratification?”
    “Yes.” The word came out as a sob.
    “At any point during the time you were being used for sex, did you participate willingly in the things that were being done to you?”
    “I—” Fresh tears flowed. She felt herself pulse against his finger. “Yes, I did.”
    “Did you at any point position your body in order to make it more convenient for the men to use you?”
    “Oh, God. Yes. Yes. I did.”
    “How many times would you say you experienced sexual gratification during the time the men were using you?”
    “I…I don’t know.”
    “More than once?”
    “More than five times?”
    “More than ten times?”
    “I don’t know. Maybe. I think— Yes.”
    “More than fifteen times?”
    “I…I don’t…” Eileen sobbed quietly. She felt dirty, defiled beyond redemption. The matter-of-fact way that Dr. Moreland asked her about the number of times she had come from being gang-raped seemed to reinforce the things Anthony said about her. What had he called her? A filthy, cock-hungry tramp, that’s what he said. If she could come so many times from being forced into such depraved acts, didn’t that mean he was right?
    “On a scale from one to ten, with one meaning not very satisfying and ten meaning extremely satisfying, how intense was the sexual gratification you experienced from this unwanted forcible sexual activity?”
    Her face distorted with shame and disgust. “Ten,” she sobbed. “Oh, God.”
    “I see.” Dr. Moreland withdrew the speculum and rose.
    “This subject’s progress has exceeded the most optimistic predictions. This subject appears to be taking significant pleasure from her training, and enjoys sexual slavery to a remarkable degree. The subject presents herself sexually, is compliant, and shows significant, strong arousal from forcible sex acts. I anticipate ready acceptance of the physical and psychological conditioning program.”
    Eileen looked up at him, tears still leaking from the corners of her eyes. She wanted to protest, explain to him how being forced to perform these disgusting sex acts sickened her, but she could not turn away from the knowledge of how good it had felt. The memory of her own eagerness, even when they had spewed their come directly into her mouth, made her cringe.
    Anthony told her that she was fit for sexual slavery, and now the doctor agreed! More tears flowed down her cheeks. Maybe it was true! Maybe that is what she wanted, to be used in perverse ways for the sexual pleasure of other men, with or without her consent!
    She felt herself tighten between her legs. The butterflies fluttered.
    “The subject has reportedly been conditioned to respond sexually to deep oral penetration. I will now evaluate that conditioning. Nurse, if you please?”
    Samantha pulled on a pair of gloves. Once gloved, she opened a drawer and took out a very long, narrow

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