tied up. Henri guided her in front of the large painting that hung opposite the bed. He then entered slowly again, his cock spreading her apart a little more easily this time. “Good, good...” he encouraged, as he thrusted in her fully. She cried out more loudly. Henri grabbed her hair with one hand and held her by the ties in the other. She felt like she was losing something she couldn’t define, shedding a part of herself. An old part, the part that didn’t work, that had held her back from everything she wanted, but was too scared to reach for. Henri had been riding her hard and Eve was nearly becoming sore. He suddenly withdrew, pushed her upright, and lay down on the bed. “Mount,” he demanded. She easily moved herself over him and down onto his waiting cock. “Fuck me, hard!” Henri ordered. She tensed her thighs and gave herself to him completely. “Faster, lean towards me!” Henri grabbed her and rammed her as fast as he could. He spread her apart leaving her fully exposed to what she thought was a priceless work of art behind her. You could easily see Henri entering Eve as he fucked her roughly. Henri cried out as he came inside of her. He rolled Eve off of him. She was trying to catch her breath; her mind was reeling. Henri made his way toward the shower room, “You gave Matt a good show,” and he slapped her on the ass and pointed to the painting, as he strode out of the room. Eve looked around the room quickly, but he was not there. She struggled in her ties, but submitted, knowing she would not be released until Henri was back in the room.
“I can’t wait,” Gabriel said, “she is remarkable.”
“Yeah, well—” Mark flopped down into the leather club chair in the viewing room behind the painting.
“Thanks for letting me watch. This is what we’re in it for remember? You’ll see her on the plane on Monday.” Matt gave him a dirty look and folded his arms. He turned to stare at Eve through the viewing glass. She waited calmly for Henri to return, and he felt his heart sink.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Gabriel squeezed Matt’s shoulder, “you’ll feel better tomorrow. Let’s have a drink. And, remember, it’s not as if she’s yours… she’s ours. It’s the same for everyone.” Gabriel flipped a switch on the wall and the small panel door slid open. “Hey, I’ll help you pick out someone new. It’ll help you… get back in the spirit of things.”
“Sure, sure.” Matt’s brow furrowed and he began to wonder if inviting Eve into the order was a good decision for either of them.
Chapter 7
“You were expecting something more… Kubrick?” the chestnut-haired man from Matt’s party asked. He was around forty and looked deceptively like Ralph Fiennes, Eve’s favorite older actor. She began to wonder if this secret order had seduction down to a science. “This must be very anti-climactic for you then! No masks, no robes, no Beethoven… not very Eyes Wide Shut of us is it?”
“I thought there would be some ceremony to it at least,” Eve said. She looked around at a room of people in formal business attire staring straight at her. The limo had shown up Sunday morning with the Ralph Fiennes look-alike summoning her by using his driver to roust her out of bed, hand her a gourmet breakfast take-out dish, and hustle her into the limo. She found him waiting for her inside the limo looking extremely pleased with himself. He explained that today would be the day she officially entered the order. She had expected something different to say the least.
“At the minimum a robe, some swords, chanting or a bit of music. Pretty lame.” Eve began to sweat that nervous sweat that seems to erupt everywhere at once soaking you within a minute. She thanked God for dry hands at this uncomfortable moment.
“I know it can be intimidating, but take my hand.” He got up from the large, highly polished conference table and offered him her hand, “You see these men and women
Amanda Ashley
J. J. Cook, Joyce Lavene, Jim Lavene
Tad Hills
John Creasey
Katherine Garbera
Stewart Meyer
Michelle M. Pillow
Starry Montana Sky
Jason D. Morrow
Scott Nicholson