Eve's Evolution (Erotic Secrets No. 1)

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Book: Eve's Evolution (Erotic Secrets No. 1) by Olympia Charbonneau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olympia Charbonneau
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me all about you. And then there’s some very unsexy paperwork to get you signed up, but that’s why I put you in this outfit, so I can at least make my dull work a more pleasant chore.” He traced the outline of her nipple through the dress and squeezed it gently.
    After an hour of paperwork, she laid down to sleep. Henri went downstairs and retrieved his smart phone from his jacket pocket. “Asleep. Yes, yes she went through with it. Hmm? Oh, very tight. She made short work of me,” Henri said. “She’s a great find. You did a good job.”
    “I’ve made my list for her for tomorrow night,” Matt said.
    “Okay, keep it at your house though. She’ll be at the spa. Tomorrow night come in the French doors, we’ll be upstairs. Around 9 p.m., okay?  The painting has been replaced with that special glass technique you worked on. You’ll be able to see right through to us. Invite Gabriel if you want. He wants to have some time with her. Alright? Bon nuit .”
    Eve woke up Saturday morning to a knock at her door. She turned over expecting to see Henri there, but his place next to her was slept in and empty. A maid she hadn’t met before brought her breakfast in bed and handed her a spa itinerary. Eve was happy, but annoyed at the same time. Not a minute just to walk on the beach with Matt? Her mind flashed to last night with Henri. He was more forceful than Matt, and the sex was just as hot, maybe even more so. She felt a pang of guilt before deciding that if Matt asked her this than she was really giving him what he wanted, so it was fine with her… a whole day at the spa. It sounded like bliss in comparison to even a few weeks ago. A hot French guy who couldn’t get enough of her... life could be worse, she decided.
    After a whole day of intoxicating scents and lots of creams, masks, and polishes, she finished her last treatment and the maid brought her a tray with a light spa lunch, which Eve guessed was to instead be dinner for her tonight. She looked out the window from the dining room table. She hadn’t seen Henri or anyone else in the group all day when a buzzer sounded and the front door opened. Henri, of course. Complete with bags full from a serious shopping spree.
    “Matt and I have selected some things for you. Your seamstress will be here. You should be done in a few hours. I’ll be in the bedroom at 9. See me there, okay?” He leaned down to kiss her briefly on the cheek and breezed back out the door.
    At 9 p.m., she cautiously made her way upstairs. She felt she should take things slow, as she was in a foreign land emotionally. Henri was laying out a portion of black lace on the bed. “This is for your eyes. Come here.” He gently tied the black lace around her head, so that she could no longer see well.  He held one long, black satin ribbon. “And this is for your arms. I will tie you.” He turned her around. “Clothes off, please, of course.” He undressed her and tied the ribbon in a crisscross down her arms with her arms firmly behind her back. “You exotic creature.” He ran his fingers down her arms, around her waist, and up to her breasts. “Lay down.” She obeyed him instinctively already anticipating his touch. “Look at me,” he slid his cock into her mouth. He used his hand to guide her head back and forth. He sighed and closed his eyes. He opened them again, “Yes, yes Eve. Suck harder,” She did as he asked sucking deeply without his help and felt a deep wave of pleasure thrill down her body from her mouth to her pussy. Henri slid his fingers inside of her. Pumping inside of her mouth, kneading the inside of her body, Eve moaned and struggled in her ties. “Eve...I’ve got you, you’re mine tonight.”
    He removed himself from her mouth and grabbed her by her satin ties. She let out a little cry. “Shhh,” he caressed her hair and finished positioning her on her knees bent over onto a wedge shaped ramp that assisted in giving her a base to lean against while being

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