Everything She Wanted

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Book: Everything She Wanted by Jennifer Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Ryan
happens. I know Evan andwhat makes him tick. I’ve gone after him in the past.”
    “But you didn’t win.”
    Ben felt the jab right in the gut. He tried not to take it personally. Still, the loss pissed him off. Having her point it out embarrassed him, but he’d done everything he could to advocate for the family of the man Evan beat to death and get them justice. The DA couldn’t prove the case and there wasn’t a shredof credible evidence to file a civil suit. Not the case for the man Evan beat in a bar brawl. That civil suit ended in a settlement, the criminal charges plead down to a measly misdemeanor. He couldn’t fault his client for taking the money. Still, Ben didn’t want to see Evan get away with yet another murder. He wanted to see Alex get his due.
    “If you’re right and the evidence puts Evan inthat kitchen and the gun in his hand, he’ll go to jail, but you’ll still have to go up against Christina Faraday to get Alex’s share of the estate. I can help you with that.”
    “As a social worker, you know I don’t make a lot of money. I probably—­no, I definitely can’t afford you.”
    Ah, so that’s why she hesitated. Not because she didn’t think he could win this time, or do his best not tolose. The hope she squashed earlier that she had some faith in him rose up again.
    “Kate, I don’t want or need your money. I’m not asking you to hire me. I’m telling you that I will help you make this right.”
    Kate fell onto the sofa and landed with her back against the cushions. She covered her face with both hands and scrubbed them up and over her head. “I don’t know what to do first.I need to bury my sister and Donald, figure out what to do with this house, and Alex’s inheritance. I have to figure out a way to explain all of this to him one day. I have to figure out how I’m going to take care of him.”
    “Kate, one step at a time. I can help with all of that.”
    “You can help me take care of Alex?” One of Kate’s eyebrows shot up.
    “Well, everything but that. Thoughkids usually love me.”
    “Do you have kids?” She cocked her head, her eyes filled with accusation that maybe he’d kept something from her.
    “What’s with the handprint on your shirt?”
    “Dinner out with friends included eight children. Grace loves chocolate cake and me.”
    The suspicion left her eyes. Her lips tilted. Not exactly a smile, but he’d take it. He hated seeing herthis devastated and upset.
    “That’s sweet.”
    “She’s a sweet girl.” He thought fondly back to how much he enjoyed dinner with the family tonight.
    “They do exist.”
    He didn’t quite understand the reference. “Sweet kids?”
    “No. Nice guys.”
    Maybe that’s why she ran off that night. She thought he was taking advantage. “You’re looking at one, Kate.” He wanted her to believe goodmen existed, that he was one of them. He had to admit, the way he grew up, surrounded by men like his father, he’d often wondered that himself. He questioned his own goodness on many occasions. As a small boy, acting out his anger and frustration because of his depressing and scary home life, he’d feared he’d end up just like his father and uncles.
    “Ben’s the best,” Detective Raynott agreed.Ben’s eyebrow shot up, surprised by the compliment. “If you like those do-­gooder types. I mean, he’s a top notch attorney, rich, and helps women and children, for God’s sake. He makes the rest of us look like asshole losers.”
    Ben couldn’t hide the smirk. “I’m sure you can find at least a half dozen women who will tell you what an asshole loser I am and a hundred times that of ­people whohave lost to me in court who will tell you I’m a total dick.”
    Kate met his steady gaze. “Well, lucky for me Ben the dick lawyer is exactly who I need to go up against the Faradays. Evan may think he’ll get away with killing my sister, but there is no fucking way I let the Faradays get away with taking

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