Everything Nice

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Book: Everything Nice by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
yeah,” he said, quickly stripping off his jeans as Charlie finished putting on the condom. His friend gripped her hips and turned her onto her stomach.
    “Hey!” she squealed as Charlie’s motions caught her off-guard.
    “Hands and knees,” Charlie demanded gruffly. “I want to watch you suck Alex off while I fuck you from behind.”
    Allie quickly complied while Alex climbed onto the bed and sat with his back against the headboard. Allie bent down and for the second time took him into her hot mouth. Alex groaned as she accepted his girth more easily this time, swallowing him nearly to the back of her throat on the first pass.
    “Fuck,” he whispered as Allie paused. Opening his eyes, he found Charlie’s gaze on Allie’s mouth around his cock.
    “I can’t tell you how hot that is,” Charlie said, their gazes connecting.
    Allie squirmed a bit in her own impatience and Alex grinned. “Better take care of our girl. I think she’s getting a bit annoyed with waiting for you.”
    Charlie gripped Allie’s hips and placed his cock at the entrance to her body. She tried to push back on him and Alex watched Charlie’s firm hands halt her movements. His friend would control this encounter and the idea of Charlie’s power ratcheted up his own desire. As Charlie pushed into her body, Allie began to suck his cock with such fervent intensity his vision went black. For a moment, Alex was sorry he’d agreed to the blowjob, wishing he could take the time to watch his friends making love. Allie’s talented tongue and teasing teeth were certainly distracting him from any chance he had at enjoying the tableau before him.
    Charlie’s thrusts became stronger, harder, and Alex felt Allie struggling to hold on. He glanced up and sensed Charlie’s regret once again as his movements lightened up, slowed a bit.
    “I’m sorry,” his friend said through gritted teeth. “I’m trying to hold back. Feels too good. I’m too rough but I need this, her—”
    Alex reached down and pulled Allie’s mouth off his cock. She seemed too mindless with her coming orgasm to realize she’d released him. Glancing up, he saw Charlie tense with the battle to soften his thrusts. Alex scooted down until his body was lying flat under Allie’s. The position left his legs stretched out between Charlie’s but either his friend didn’t notice or he simply didn’t mind.
    Her upper body collapsed on top of him while Charlie still held her hips in his hands. He was thrusting into her but slower now, as if waiting for permission.
    “Are you okay, Allie?” Alex whispered, well aware Charlie could hear his question.
    “Perfect,” she replied quickly, raising her lips to kiss him. She was too enthralled to realize the battle of conscience being waged behind her.
    Alex returned her kiss then pulled her head to his chest. “She’s perfect,” he repeated.
    He saw relief cover Charlie’s face a split second before the man’s body gave up the attempt at holding back. He thrust into her with a force that threw Alex’s body into overdrive. Over and over he watched his friend’s face, his body, as he made love to Allie—and Alex wondered what it would feel like to be taken with such unrestrained desire and need by him.
    He felt Allie come, but Charlie continued to pound into her soft body as if stopping would signal his death. She screamed with her second orgasm and Alex saw Charlie’s body begin to shudder with its own release.
    Charlie’s beautiful, pained face and Allie’s throaty, sexy screams as they climaxed together sent Alex over the edge and he came roughly against Allie’s stomach, without a single touch.
    Charlie collapsed by his side as Allie lay atop him. His friend’s big hand reached over to brush Allie’s dark hair out of her face and Alex felt his heart stop at Charlie’s nearness. They were lying naked, side by side, but Charlie didn’t seem disturbed by their too-close proximity. It was all Alex could do not to reach over

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