Every Sunset Forever

Read Online Every Sunset Forever by R. E. Butler - Free Book Online

Book: Every Sunset Forever by R. E. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Butler
    “My brothers will find her.  It’s my pleasure to keep you safe.”
    “Safe?”  She leaned back slightly, her head bumping against the tree trunk.
    “You don’t want to get in the middle of a bunch of alpha males fighting over a female, even if the female is their sister.”
    “Alpha males?”  She’d never really thought of Kayne and Kross as alpha males because she’d known them forever, but she could admit that if she were in trouble, she’d go to them for help.
    He chuckled.  “My brother Memphis is the oldest, so he can be a bit bossy.  And Lincoln is only ten months younger, and he’s in charge of keeping everyone safe.  So yeah, they’re both alpha males.  Like the two wolves.”
    She couldn’t get over how perfect the curve of his mouth was.  And how thick his lashes were.  A man didn’t have any right to be so kissably gorgeous.
    Shaking away her lustful thoughts, she said, “They’re my friends and they won’t hurt me, so why don’t you let me go?”
    “Nah.”  He grinned.  Dimples.  Adorable.
    She found him amusing and irritating at the same time.  It would have been simple enough to duck under his arm and escape back to the campsite to see what was going on with Whisper and the others, but her legs refused to move away from the tempting male and his intoxicating scent.
    Before she could argue with herself anymore about getting away from Rome before she did something embarrassing, he kissed her.  He kissed her like he was storming a castle and taking no prisoners.  Drawing her against his hard body, he breeched her mouth with his questing tongue and danced it against hers, making her toes curl in her boots.
    She gripped the front of his shirt with both hands, and like the wanton hussy she was starting to feel like, pulled him even closer.  His arms tightened around her, and his chest vibrated with a low growl that made her hands tingle.
    “I said keep her safe, Rome, not molest her,” a deep voice chuckled nearby.
    Rome swiped his tongue along her bottom lip as he lifted from her mouth and said, “I swear I heard you tell me to kiss her.”
    Completely dazed and hornier than she’d ever been in her life, Bliss couldn’t get her mouth to form the words that her brain was trying to say.  It was probably for the best, since words like naked and sex and often were spinning around in her mind.
    “I, um,” she blinked a few times and focused on releasing the death grip she had on Rome’s shirt.
    “Aw, you kissed her speechless,” the other male said.
    The first male said, “Sweetness, what’s your name?”
    All three grinned.  The first one said, “My name is Memphis.  I’m the leader of our clan.”
    “I’m Lincoln,” the second one said, “but you can call me Link.”
    Oh, she had lots of things she’d like to call him.  Gorgeous.  Heaven in pants.  Mine .
    She frowned.  Where the hell had that possessive term come from? Shaking her head at herself, she ducked under Rome’s arm and looked at the campsite, realizing that Whisper, Kayne, and Kross were gone.
    She couldn’t believe that they’d just left her with strangers!
    “Those assholes,” she groused under her breath.
    Memphis turned her to face him.  “What’s the matter?”
    “They just left me!”
    Link snarled.  “Was one of those wolves your mate?”
    Making a face, she said, “No, of course not, but they’re from my pack and they just left me with strangers!”  She was used to being left out because she couldn’t shift, but being abandoned by her friends in this situation just sucked out loud.
    Memphis rubbed his thumb on the inside of her wrist and looked at the empty campsite.  “They went to take care of Savannah.  She completely wigged out.  I’m sorry you feel bad that they left you behind, but you have to know that we wouldn’t have let them take you traipsing off into the woods.”
    Link stood in front of her.  He had long, dark brown hair tied back

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