Ever Fire
when he looked at her like that.
    Her mind flipped back to the garden of the Santiran Fountains where they had kissed. The feel of his lips had been like warm, sweet, honey. She could still feel the heat from his breath skimming her cheeks, and the pounding of his heart beating against her chest as he held her so tight when he had zapped the Lonares soldiers with his power. The bluish fire and lightning electrified them, but had done nothing to her but leave her breathless and tingling all over. She wondered what it had meant, the way he had held her felt like he would never let her go. She totally remembered how she had not wanted him to let go.
    Now he stood here, watching her as her thoughts floated in her mind, waiting for some sort of reaction from her. Shade suddenly felt like she had neglected their relationship greatly. His haunted eyes drew her into the wells of pain and suffering he held deep inside. She wanted to open him up and draw it all out, make him smile and make him continue to feel happiness in the dreariness of life.
    She snapped back into the present and watched Dylan flick his grey eyes away from her and back to the painting. She swallowed and wondered if everything she had felt had meant something to him. She did not have to wait to long for an answer suddenly feeling his warm, soft, fingers lace through her hand, curling and holding it tight. Her hand responded to his grip as she felt the warmth of his hand radiate up her arm and fill her with his tingling magic. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to touch Dylan; it made her body vibrate in response. She missed him, in more ways than one.
    “Well, the lovebirds have arisen.” The deep baritone voice startled Shade. She turned to see who was spying on them, letting go of Dylan’s warm hand. Draden stood in a hard stance at the turn of the hallway. He held a spear in one hand and a heavy looking sword strapped to his side. His long, blond hair was pulled uncomfortably tight at the nape of his neck, and was tied with a plain leather tie that matched the full warrior gear he wore. The smooth lines of his muscles bulged from under the soft material that fit him like a glove. The hardened lines on his face seemed to have softened since she had saw him at the Santiran Fountains. She had not taken the time to study his face much when he had taken her to Prince Ursad’s chambers, but now she had plenty of time to take in his soldier’s face.
    “Am I interesting to you, little Princess? Moving on to the next one already, huh?” Draden’s eyebrows arched inquisitively, glancing between her and Dylan. His eyes filled with mean laughter as he snickered.
    “What? No, I just, I…” Shade stammered, caught off guard by the husky guard. His laughter roared around them, echoing down the halls, taunting them. Dylan’s face was blank and hard like stone, not betraying any kind of feelings under his mask. Shade could still feel him tense up beside her.
    “Wait a minute, what did you say?” Shade gathered her senses. She was still confused, but now very interested in Draden’s words.
    “Which part? About moving on already? I’m single if you really want to know. You aren’t really my type though. I like ‘em a bit bustier with a spill of red hair, but there is a shortage of Fey women around here, so I’m not really gonna be too darn picky.”
    Shade’s face rushed in a spill of scarlet. She wanted to slap the guard but restrained herself. Her curiosity was too much to bear. “I meant the part where you called me little Princess . Why did you say that?” She waited, her confusion playing around her eyes. She was hoping he wasn’t going to continue to joke around.
    Draden’s face turned serious then. His hard stare bore into her like a stake that turned and turned her insides to a messy mush. His smile was gone, replaced by the hard thin frown that made him look incredibly scary.
    “Paying attention I see. Yes, Shade, I said little Princess ,

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