Evan's Addiction

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Book: Evan's Addiction by Sara Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Hess
in a more comfortable spot, or if she was trying to kill me.
Groaning, I shifted her so that my erection was snuggled between her ass cheeks
and thighs, and then I lifted her arm and slung it around my neck making her incline
into me.
         “There, that’s more comfortable, right?” I asked gutturally, my
cock was throbbing in desperate need.
         “Uhh…sure.” Shaw’s voice came out in a squeak and I grinned
through my discomfort.
         Nic was eyeing me intently from a chair across the room. Carrie
sat in his lap, frowning in drunken disbelief. I ignored them. 
         “You missed.” Nadia screamed as one of the Cruz brothers failed to
stick the knife in the upright mattress. “You have to drink now.”
         “You turned this into a drinking game?” I laughed gruffly.  
         Nadia smirked. “This is Russian drinking game, only I left the
person out. Instead we drew a figure of one on the mattress.”
         Sure enough there was a body drawn on the mattress. “Nadia, you
scare me more and more each day.”
         Smirking, she flipped her butterfly knife in the air, caught it,
and whipped it at the mattress. It stuck in the throat of the drawing. “Carrie,
you drink.” She ordered.
         “Is it wrong that that made me hard?” Trey asked with awe.
         “Yes,” Seth growled in displeasure. Grabbing Nadia’s arm he tugged
her arm, toppling her into his lap. She fell with a laugh and circled her arms
around his neck kissing him.  
         Carrie was chugging her drink and I think she might have drank the
entire glass if Nic didn’t pull it away like the mother hen that he was.
Although, I think this was the first time I’d ever seen her drink so I could
understand his concern.
         The game continued and I waited, and prayed, for Shaw to escalate
our lap situation to something more; like nuzzling my neck, sucking my face, or
rubbing her hand somewhere…anywhere, but regrettably her hand didn’t go below
my shoulders. I enjoyed the soft play of her fingers in my hair and over my
neck and shoulders, but shit…it only made me want more.  
         After several rounds of knife tossing and drinking Landon pulled
me into a conversation about work. The accountant’s had found another huge
discrepancy in the end of the months totals but couldn’t find out where we were
losing the money. This was the third month in a row that it had happened. We
were talking about five hundred-thousand dollars each month they couldn’t find
anywhere. It was like it had been lost in space.
         “It probably is.” Shaw said sleepily.
         I’d been absently stroking her back and hair, suffering through my
painful arousal, and she’d been sagging further and further into my body as
time passed. Her head had settled on my shoulder about three minutes ago. Maya had
already passed out in Landon’s lap.
         “What’s that, Shaw?” I pulled her more comfortably into my side.
I’d snuggled with other females but I don’t remember it feeling this good, even
as wound up as I was.
         “That money probably is disappearing into space.” She yawned behind
her hand and I grinned at how cute she was. Did she even know what she was
saying? “It sounds like you have a program possibly siphoning off miniscule
amounts from each of your individual accounts. You have to have hundreds of
thousands of accounts. Someone probably introduced a program into your
mainframe and it’s taking like pennies out of each one. Accountants can easily
overlook a penny missing, or even a couple pennies missing here and there, but
when you have that many accounts with a penny missing out of all of them that
really adds up. It’s the perfect crime.”
         I stared at her flabbergasted. Did she just solve a problem dozens
of accountants had been working months to solve…while drunk and half asleep?
What she theorized sounded entirely possible, and as I contemplated

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