
Read Online Eternity by M.E. Timmons - Free Book Online

Book: Eternity by M.E. Timmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.E. Timmons
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Magic, Young Adult, Werewolves, High School, Danger, teen, love, goddess
mysterious stranger anywhere, even though my eyes
constantly searched for his dark form. I mentally shook myself,
knowing it would be better if I didn’t think about him.
    I finally saw
him again when we were dancing. He was dancing as well, with a girl
I didn’t recognize, and he didn’t seem to see me.
    “Do you know
who that is?” I asked Jack, pointing him out.
    “Oh yeah, he’s
one of my roommates,” he answered, frowning. “His name’s Adrian
Alvarez. He’s not a good guy. His temper seems to be ten times
worse than mine, and you know how I can be sometimes. He also kind
of keeps to himself as much as possible. Why are you asking about
him anyway?”
    “I don’t know.
He just looks kind of... angry.”
    “Yeah, I think
that word describes him pretty well.” Jack shot a disgusted look in
his direction.
    I can’t say
that angry was really the word I meant. He definitely didn’t look
happy, but I suspected that there was a lot going on beneath his
dark exterior.
    Jack was quite
surprised and a little affronted when Adrian cut in at the end of
the song. Without asking me if I wanted to dance, he grabbed my
hand and pulled me away from Jack. He danced even closer than
Michael had, but this time I didn’t even think to complain. He
moved with surprising grace, and when he looked into my eyes I felt
a shiver go up my spine. I think he felt it, but he didn’t look
away. He smirked instead.
    “So, are you
actually going to talk to me now?” I asked, as calmly as I could,
which wasn’t very calm at all.
    “Now that
you’ve spoken to me, it seems I have little choice. Personally, I
was content with just dancing.”
    “And are you
always quite so silent?” I wondered.
    “When it suits
me. I find that a lot can happen when one is not talking. Most
people find it necessary to fill a silence with words, but they
speak only to hear themselves talk, and not to say anything
    “Well, most
people would find it quite rude to be kissed by someone without so
much as an introduction.”
    “But apparently
you don’t, since you didn’t protest at the time. Besides, I’m sure
Leewood has told you who I am by now. You two seem to be very
    “Yes, we are
close. Jack has been my best friend since I was quite young.”
    “Really? It
seems to me like he wants to be more than just your friend.” He
glanced over to where Jack was standing by the punch bowl, openly
glaring at Adrian.
    “What would
make you think such a thing?” I asked. I was amazed by how
perceptive he seemed to be.
    “He’s hardly
taken his eyes off of you all evening, not that I can blame him for
that. I probably haven’t much either.”
    “I see,” I
said, embarrassed. “May I ask you a personal question, Adrian?”
    “Feel free to
ask, but don’t expect me to answer.”
    “Have you
started turning into a wolf yet?”
    Apparently that
wasn’t the kind of question he was expecting, because he stopped
moving for a second and looked down at me. I almost stepped on his
foot because of the sudden halt. “I have, yes. Why do you ask?”
    “I heard you
had quite a temper. Is it worse near the full moon?”
    “Not really.
I’d say it’s worse when someone is annoying me.”
    “So you don’t
deny it, and yet you don’t blame it on what you are?”
    “It’s part of
being a young wolf, so I can’t really deny it, nor can I say it
isn’t because of what I am. I just don’t think that the moon or the
change are the only influences.”
    “So you’re also
disagreeable by nature?”
    “I suppose I
am. Does that bother you?”
    “I don’t really
know, because I haven’t yet seen you angry.”
    The song ended
then, so instead of responding to what I said Adrian quickly kissed
me on the lips and walked away. I was left more confused than
before, but intrigued to say the least. My lips tingled where they
had touched his.
    “So, who’s the
guy who just kissed you?” Melissa asked, suddenly coming up behind

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