Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series
ya,” she whispered, and looked
toward the window.
    Kyle stood outside of the
wrought iron fence and looked at the purple car. He saw a shadow
pass by a window and watched as Emily busied herself in one of the
rooms on the main floor. He quickly dialed the Council.
    “Zohn here.”
    “It’s Kyle. She’s at her
    “Does she know you’re
    “No,” Kyle whispered.
    “Just watch her while we
decide what to do. We can’t risk her turning you to
    “I found four sets of ashes she left
    Chevalier sighed, “Who are
    “I haven’t revived them
yet. I smelled fresh mortal blood in the area though, not Emily’s,
but pretty strong around the ashes.”
    “I’ll be there in an
hour,” Chevalier told him. “Just watch for now and let us know if
she leaves.”
    “Yes, Sir,” he said, and
shut the phone. He quickly moved closer to the house and fell back
into the shadows near her car.
    Emily came back into the
room with the injured man and set a tray down beside him, then sat
on the edge of the bed and took his hand, “Are you
    “Yes,” he whispered, though his eyes
didn’t open.
    “You need to take these
pills, trust me, it will help,” she said, and grabbed a glass of
juice and some B12.
    “Yes, no arguing,” she
told him, and slid her arm under his shoulders. She finally managed
to help him sit up and he took the pills without a fight. Once she
laid him down, she looked over the numerous bite marks on
    “Vampires,” he whispered.
    “There’re no vampires here, you’re
    “Run, they’ll kill us.”
    “I know. I’ll take care of
    Emily ran up the stairs to
the bathroom and brought back gauze and the yellow goo, kept for
her injuries. She sat down, and over the next hour, meticulously
treated each of the eighteen bite marks on him. She was shocked to
see scars along his torso that looked like both knife and gunshot
    When she finished, she
dimmed the lights in the room and placed a cold rag over his eyes
before she sat down and took his hand. He had shaggy brown hair and
a sharp jaw and nose, with a scar on his forehead that looked like
a knife wound.
    “Who is that?” Chevalier
    Emily jumped and then looked over at
him, “Don’t sneak up on me,” she whispered.
    “Sorry,” he said, and
walked in. He looked down at the man, “Who is he?”
    She looked over at Kyle,
who walked in after the Elder, “I don’t know. I caught four Equites
feeding off of him in an alley.”
    “Equites did this?” Kyle asked, his
eyes wide.
    “Yes,” Emily said, and
readjusted the rag over the man’s eyes.
    “You have them?” Chevalier asked
    “Yes, I do,” Kyle said
    Emily looked back when the man
whispered something.
    “What was that?” she
asked, and leaned forward.
    “He said he needs to run,” Chevalier
told her when the man didn’t answer.
    “You’re safe here,” Emily
told him, and laid his hand across his chest. She pulled a blanket
over him and motioned for Chevalier and Kyle to follow her out of
his room.
    “We’ll take him to a hospital and drop
him off,” Chevalier told her after shutting his door.
    She frowned, “No, I’ll
take care of him. If we take him to a hospital, they’ll want to
know who bit him.”
    “We have covers for that.”
    “I don’t care. Now the
real reason you’re here, let me have it.”
    Chevalier sat down, “You aren’t in
trouble for leaving… or for turning the General to ash.”
    She frowned and sat down, “I’m
    “No, Dustin overstepped.
He went over the Elder’s heads on this, and that’s not
    “So where is he?”
    “In prison, until we decide what to
    “I’m not in any trouble?”
she asked, unsure she trusted them on this.
    “None, but you have to
stop running,” Kyle said, and also sat down. “If you had just told
the Council what happened, we would have backed you.”
    “I thought they would

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